Supplier: Alvarez and Marsal Disputes and Investigtions, LLP

One archived procurement

Recent procurements where the supplier Alvarez and Marsal Disputes and Investigtions, LLP is mentioned

2020-01-23   Creation of Panel for 2020-2025 to Advise the Commission for Aviation Regulation on Price Regulation and Other... (Commission for Aviation Regulation)
The Commission for Aviation Regulation (CAR) regulates certain aspects of the aviation and travel trade sectors in Ireland. It invites expressions of interest from economic consultants that would like to be on a general panel from which tenders will be invited to assist the CAR in its role as an economic regulator. This panel will last until 30.4.2025. During this period, some of the projects the Commission will be working on include: โ€” setting policy for next price determinations of regulated entities โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Alan Stratford and Associates Ltd Alvarez and Marsal Disputes and Investigtions, LLP Cambridge Economic Policy Associates (CEPA) Centrus Advisors Ltd Economic Insight Ernst and Young Europe Economics Indecon Economic Consultants Integra Holding ApS KPMG Global Strategy Group Mcc Economics Ltd Steer Swiss Economics Util Consulting Ltd York Aviation LLP