Recent procurements of environmental services in Ireland
2023-10-20Provision of Article 17 Technical Support (Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage)
The National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of Housing, Local Government, and Heritage is responsible for the conservation of natural habitats and species and the protection of biological diversity in Ireland. NPWS are seeking one suitably qualified candidate for 320 days from December 2023 to November 2025 to work in a hybrid manner with a mix of remote working and to be present in NPWS offices in 90 North King Street, Dublin 7, when required, to assist with tasks arising from the …
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2023-10-20The Provision of Research and Outreach Services for the Biodiversity Forum (Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage)
Ireland’s National Biodiversity Forum is convened by the Minister for Heritage and Electoral Reform and comprises 15-20 members including representatives of landowners, farmers, industry, natural heritage and environmental NGOs, Universities and Institutes of Technology, local authorities and representatives from Northern Ireland. Its functions are to: • provide independent monitoring of progress in the on-going implementation of the National Biodiversity Plan (NBAP), highlighting progress and …
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2023-10-16Producer Responsibility Initiatives – technical support to the EPA for enforcement of the WEEE Regulations (B2B producers) (Environmental Protection Agency)
In Ireland, the Producer Responsibility Initiatives (PRIs) for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and batteries are underpinned by two sets of regulations - the European Union (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Regulations 2014 (S.I. No. 149 of 2014), and the European Union (Batteries and Accumulators) Regulations 2014 (S.I. No. 283 of 2014). The Producer Responsibility team in the Office of Environmental Enforcement (OEE) is responsible for the enforcement of many aspects of these …
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2023-09-28Consultancy Services, provision of Environmental Services(SEA/AA/SFRA)for Review of National Ports Policy to... (Department of Transport)
The services comprise : Consultancy Services (a) this is a non-SEA/AA/SFRA element of the consultancy services required.In phase one of the National Ports Policy Review, which involves the publication of an Issues Paper on National Ports Policy, the successful supplier will be required to review, examine and to collate by topic all submissions received by the Department to the public consultation on its National Ports Policy Issues Paper. Identifying common themes or recurring points received in …
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2023-09-25Expert Advice on Environmental Assessment services (Department of the Environment Climate and Communications)
The Department seeks the provision of competent environmental expertise (e.g. environmental science, ecology, hydrogeology, noise assessment, etc.) to carry out an evaluation on Environmental Screening Forms and supporting documentation submitted to the GSRO by Mineral Prospecting Licence holders in relation to the mineral exploration activities within a Prospecting Licence and to report to the GSRO as to whether the proposed exploration activity could be carried out without significant adverse effects …
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2023-09-21FCC/261/23F - Establishment of a Single Party Framework for Civil and Structural Engineering Consultancy and... (Fingal County Council_371)
Framework for Civil and Structural Engineering Consultancy and Associated Services including the role of Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP), Planning and Environmental Consultants to provide Planning and Engineering Design Services for: The Initial project for Granard Bridge, Castleknock (Phases 2-4 as per the National Transport Authority's Project Approval Guidelines) which will include but is not limited to the Route Options Selection, Preliminary Design and Environmental Evaluation, and …
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2023-09-11X-ray and amp -VUV Radiation (University College Dublin UCD)
MNMT requires a device for radiation detection in the X-ray, Soft X-ray and Vacuum UV (VUV) range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Specifically, this should cover a minimum spectral range of operation between ~5 and 250 nm (↔ ~ 5 – 250 eV). Such a device can be in the form of a CCD or CMOS camera, or single pixel detector.
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2023-09-04Coastal Processes and Management Training Course (Office of Public Works OPW)
In summary the services comprise: the development and delivery of a training course on Coastal Processes and Management including the following: i. Development of a four (4) day Coastal Processes and Management training course ii. Preparation of the relevant training course material, including relevant worked examples, case studies, and group exercises iii. Delivery of the four (4) day training course on one occasion (across two sessions, each lasting two days) iv. An option to re-run the same course on …
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2023-08-31Aquatech Programme and the associated supply of business acumen (Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Irish Sea Fisheries Board BIM)
BIM’s mission is to grow a thriving Irish seafood industry to deliver on the Government’s Food Vision 2030 targets for seafood and create sustainable jobs. A key deliverable of the government’s Food Vision 2030 plan is to attract global investment in aquaculture technology and to promote Ireland as a knowledge base for aquaculture technology and research to attract investment in our knowledge base. Developing and expanding our Aquatech sector delivers solutions for Irish seafood enterprises across a …
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2023-08-30Call for Tender for Masterplanning Multi-Disciplinary Design Team Services to prepare a framework Masterplan for the... (Kildare County Council_385)
Kildare County Council is calling for tender responses to develop a Framework Masterplan for Naas town's North-West Quadrant, the single largest development opportunity in County Kildare. Kildare County Council's ambition is that this should be developed as a Sustainable Urban Expansion Area to Naas to bring a critical mass to the town and combine an appropriate mix of uses with a sustainable mobility strategy and excellence in urban design. The preparation of a Framework Masterplan for Naas’s Northwest …
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2023-08-25Masterplanning multi-disciplinary design team services to prepare a Framework Masterplan for the Naas North-West... (Kildare County Council_385)
Kildare County Council is calling for tender responses to develop a Framework Masterplan for Naas town's North-West Quadrant, the single largest development opportunity in County Kildare. Kildare County Council's ambition is that this should be developed as a Sustainable Urban Expansion Area to Naas to bring a critical mass to the town and combine an appropriate mix of uses with a sustainable mobility strategy and excellence in urban design. The preparation of a Framework Masterplan for Naas’s Northwest …
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2023-08-22Provision of Drone Surveys of Bundorragha River, Mweelrea/Shreefry/Erriff Complex SAC (Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage)
The Mweelrea/Sheeffry/Erriff Complex Special Area of Conservation (SAC) covers a large area of the scenic hills of south Co. Mayo, containing a wide range of habitats, supports populations of rare and threatened plants (mosses, liverworts, stoneworts, ferns and flowering plants) and animals (invertebrates, fish, birds and mammals) including many that are listed on the Annexes of the E.U. Habitats Directive. The Bundorragha River flows out of Fin Lough and holds one of the most important freshwater pearl …
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2023-08-168544 Consultancy Services for the Sleeper Factory (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
This is a call to competition by Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) for suitably qualified companies to participate in the Pre-Qualification process for the provision of consultancy services to support IÉ in the design, planning and drafting of Tender Documents for a New Production Facility at our Sleeper Factory in Portlaoise.
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2023-08-04Catch Sampling Services (Marine Institute_1141)
The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators for the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1 to this RFT (the ”Services”). In summary, the Services comprise: of Catch Sampling Services, focusing on the sampling of commercial fisheries aboard commercial fishing vessels as described in the Irish National Work Plan for the DCF EUMAP
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2023-07-28Support for Coastal Ecology in SAR (Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage)
The Scientific Advice and Research Directorate (SARD) in NPWS supports conservation, protection and restoration of nature, including coastal habitats. SARD provides scientific and technical assistance relating to conservation projects and compiles scientific evidence to support decision making. Coastal ecology is an important element of the work of SARD. As an island with a complex and variable coastline, Ireland supports a large number of coastal habitats including 15 habitats that are listed on Annex I …
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2023-07-27Support for the production of Site-Specific Conservation Objectives (Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage)
The National Parks and Wildlife Service NPWS of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage are seeking tenders from interested parties to provide support to the Conservation Planning Unit in the Scientific Advice and Research Directorate of NPWS in the production and delivery of Site-Specific Conservation Objectives SSCOs for Natura 2000 sites within Ireland. SSCOs are a legal requirement and key feature in the protection processes for designated Natura 2000 sites and their features within …
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2023-07-20Intel Pilot Project Phase 2 (Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage)
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) provides the legislative and policy framework for the conservation of nature and biodiversity in Ireland. It also oversees its implementation, based on good science, with particular emphasis on the protection of habitats and species. The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage manages the Irish State's nature conservation responsibilities under national and European law. A …
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2023-07-19Provision of services to assess ingredient opportunities from mesopelagic resources (Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Irish Sea Fisheries Board BIM)
The global human population growth is driving demand for food, including marine proteins and lipids. Mesopelagic organisms represent the largest unexploited resource left in the world's oceans, with a recent biomass estimate of around 10 billion metric tons –10 times larger than previous estimates. Our knowledge of the mesopelagic community in terms of biodiversity, the drivers of its biomass, its role in carbon sequestration, and its interactions with the epipelagic community, including commercial fish …
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2023-07-19Provision of consultancy services to carry out a Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment for... (Cork City Council)
Cork City Council, as required by the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021, is preparing a five-year Climate Action Plan that will specify the mitigation and adaptation measures to be adopted to address climate change in the city. In summary, the Services comprise: Carrying out a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA), as applicable, for the Cork City Climate Action Plan (CC CAP) 2024–2029. The Climate Action Plan (CAP) produced by Cork City …
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2023-07-18Consultancy Services to provide expert and technical advice for environmental assessments (Department of the Environment Climate and Communications)
Provide expert advice to the Environment Advisory Unit (EAU) regarding the statutory assessment of Screening Reports for Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Appropriate Assessments (AA) submitted for offshore geophysical, environmental, and seismic survey consent applications, as well as exploratory drilling applications for natural gas and oil exploration and production activities. prepare written reports on te screening determination for EIA and/or AA as well as expert advice on the full …
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2023-07-17FCC/051/22 - Architect Led Integrated Design Team for the construction of a Residential/Mixed use development... (Fingal County Council_371)
Fingal County Council is seeking to commission an Architect Led Integrated Design Team for the construction of a residential/mixed use site located at 6-14 Bridge Street, Balbriggan, Co Dublin through stages 1-5 where the Employers Representative is a dedicated resource at stages 4 and 5 and a project manager trough stages 1-3. The Integrated Design will comprise of the following principal disciplines: (a) Architectural Services (Design Team Lead incl. fire safety design services, disability access …
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2023-07-05Multi Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of Circular Economy Training for Micro-Enterprises and Small to... (Dublin City Council)
The duration of this Multi-Party Framework Agreement is 4 years. The Eastern-Midlands Regional Waste Management Planning Office (EMRWMPO), Southern Regional Waste Management Planning Office (SRWMPO) and the Connacht-Ulster Regional Waste Management Planning Office (CURWMPO) have been awarded funding by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC), to run MODOS circular Economy Training programmes for micro-enterprises and small to medium enterprises across Ireland. Dublin City …
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