2021-04-15   Multi Purpose Motor Launches (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service seeks tender from economic operators for the provision of four 12 m to 15 m multi purpose motor launches. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: FM Marine Services Ltd
2016-09-22   Vessel Services Framework (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to put a non-exclusive Framework Agreement in place, for the supply of vessel services. Successful applicants will be placed on a panel that the Marine Institute will draw from over the next four year period to provide such services. Vessel requirements will be identified for specific jobs, and a Mini-Competition process will be used to award relevant work. Further details available in the attached Invitation to Tender document. View the procurement ยป
2012-04-13   Provision of self-relieving dual-purpose standby and production supply vessel (SBV / PSV) service (PSE Kinsale Energy Limited)
Provision of self-relieving dual-purpose standby and production vessel (SBV / PSV) Service at Kinsale Head Gas Field. Dual-Purpose vessel to undertake supply run to Cork every 28 days for cargo and crew change. A relief standby vessel (PSV not required) is to be provided during absence of field support vessel at the platform location. View the procurement ยป