The Irish Naval Services seeks tenders from economic operators for the provision of a launch and recovery system interface frame which will allow for the temporary installation of the Naval Diving Section launch and recovery system (LARS) onto the Irish Lights Vessel ILV Granuaile. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: ARQ Asset Solutions
2020-09-11   Equipment for Advanced Manufacturing Technician Training Courses for Electronic and Pneumatic Stream (Louth and Meath Education and Training Board)
1 set of 17 panels (16 learner + 1 tutor for each set) consisting of the following equipment for advanced manufacturing technician training course (electronics stream and pneumatics stream) 1) motor Control Panel (required for both Streams); 2) PLC/industrial electrical panel (required for both streams); 3) pneumatics panel (required for pneumatics stream only). Additional teach items associated with pneumatics training. 4) instrumentation/equipment list: (required for both streams); 5) computer โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: DWS Facility Services
2012-07-23   Monitoring of mining activities and compliance with conditions of state mining facilities (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
The Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources seeks the provision of expert services invoving the regular physical inspections by suitably qualified personnel of mining operations under State Mining Leases/Licences, to ensure comliance with terms and conditions of those Leases and Licences. In addition, the Department will request on an irregular and as required basis specialist expertise (which may include ecology or hydrogeology) in screening and evaluation of the "Appropriate โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป