Procurements: Construction work for school buildings (page 7)
2011-09-13Extension and Refurbishment to Dun Laoghaire VEC Senior College, Blackrock, County Dublin (Dun Laoghaire VEC)
The works consist of the demolition of part existing structures on site, the construction of new basement with 3 floor levels above which will be adjoined to an existing listed structure which will be refurbished to include Senior College facilities and a new library facility for Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council. The existing listed structure will require all works to be carried out in accordance with current legislation and statutory obligations pertaining to listed structure. All associated site โฆ
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2011-04-01New School at Clifden Community School, Clifden, Co. Galway (Board of Management of Clifden Community College)
Construction of a new, part two storey and part three storey school building of ca. 3 900 sq. m., along with a new school entrance and associated internal access roads, parking spaces, landscaping and drainage works including an on site waste water treatment plant, while the existing school is to remain operational. Demolition of the existing school building and associated pre-fabricated classroom structures. Particular Construction Management constraints shall apply due to works adjacent to operational โฆ
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2011-03-09Refurbishment & extension of St Munchins College, Corbally, Limerick (Board of Management)
Existing three storey over basement school building to be refurbished. Construction of 2 no. new staircases and new stand alone sports hall building. Approx 5 591 sqm refurbishment works and approx 665 sqm new build works.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at
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2011-02-17New 32 Classroom School at Ennis National School Ashline, Ennis, Co. Clare (Department of Education & Skills)
New 2-storey 32 classroom school, with large hall, changing rooms, and ancillary accommodation, Total Gross Floor Area 5 200 sq m. On a green field site of 2.34 ha with tarmac ball courts and car parking, paths, retaining structures, site services and utilities, and perimeter boundaries and gates.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at
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