2021-02-09   Re-compression Chamber (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service invites tenders from economic operators for the purchase of a containerised 2 section re-compression chamber. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: IHC Hytech B.V.
2019-04-18   Metocean Buoy Platforms (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to put a contract in place for Supply of Metocean Buoy Platforms for the Irish Marine Data Buoy Observation Network under a single supplier framework to run from August 2019 to August 2023. A detailed technical description is available in the attached ITT documentation. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: JFC Manufacturing Co Ltd
2019-04-18   ADCPs and Sub-surface Floatations (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi state body, wishes to invite tenders for the Supply of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPโ€™s) and Subsurface Floatation for the Irish Marine Data Buoy Observation Network ancillary projects under a single supplier framework to run from August 2019 to August 2023. A full technical description is available in the attached ITT documentation. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Saderet Ltd
2016-05-23   This tender is for the acquisition of marine ROV systems by the University of Limerick suitable for inspection and... (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The acquired ROV should be a vehicle with good thrust to drag ratio developed for sub-sea applications in off-shore wind or similar. The system is required to have: high precision positioning and navigation systems; camera and lighting systems, sonar (including accommodation of sonar systems already in the possession of the University of Limerick) and other sensors; robot manipulator systems for intervention tasks on energy converter devices, cables, moorings, risers, anchorage, etc. The tender is broken โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Forum Energy Technologies (UK) Ltd iXBlue SAS