2018-04-24   Contract for the Supply of a Gamma Counter to Beaumont Hospital (Beaumont Hospital)
The Contracting Authority intends to award a contract for the supply of a gamma counter for use in Beaumont Hospitalโ€™s Clinical Directorate of Laboratory Medicine. Following the supply, installation and commissioning of the equipment in question, the successful tenderer shall be required to enter into a support and maintenance contract for a period of five years. At the sole discretion of the Contracting Authority, this support and maintenance contract may be extended, at annual intervals, until the โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: PerkinElmer Ireland Ltd
2017-05-02   EPA-high detection efficiency, low background configuration, HPGe gamma radiation detector (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
This call for tender relates to the purchase of a high purity germanium detector designed to work in a low background passive shield equipped with anti-coincidence active shielding, to minimise minimum detectable activities across the gamma energy range <20keV to >2 MeV for the measurement of environmental samples in both Marinelli and planar sample geometries. Tenders will be evaluated on both the basic fulfilment of a requirement, and accompanying justification for each presented solution. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Ametek (GB) Ltd, t/a Advanced Measurement...
2017-05-02   EPA-Ultra low level liquid scintillation counter (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
This purchase will improve EPA's capability for verification that foodstuffs and environmental samples contain no more than permitted levels of alpha and beta radioactivity. It focuses on reducing minimum detectable levels of radioactivity, to enable faster emergency response, faster certification of Irish produce, and to improve stakeholder engagement by providing routine measurement of environmental background levels. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Perkin Elmer Ireland