Procurements: Meteorology instrument accessories

3 archived procurements

Meteorology instrument accessories have been procured by organizations such as Met Eireann, and Air Corps Contracts Section.
Historically, suppliers within this area have been Cirrus Spain S.L., DTN Services and Systems Spain, S.L., Météorage, and Vaisala Ltd.

Recent procurements of meteorology instrument accessories in Ireland

2017-02-06   ACC 20170175 Weather Station (Air Corps Contracts Section)
Supply of Weather Station as per specification Section 3 RFT. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Vaisala Ltd
2016-08-04   For the supply of Lightning Detection Systems for aviation use (Met Eireann)
For the supply of 6 lightning detection systems (‘LDS’) comprising five (5) lightning detection systems, plus 1 spare system, for deployment at five (5) airports. Solutions for this requirement may consist of lightning detector sensors or data services for the provision of the required data. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Météorage
2016-08-03   Aviation Weather Observing and Met Data Processing System (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann is in the process of upgrading its aviation observing systems through a project called the Aviation Modernisation and Automation Project (‘AMAP’), according to the operational and technical requirements as set out in Volume II of this RFT. The Irish Aviation Authority (the ‘IAA’) will upgrade its display and ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information System) systems through a project called the Met Data Processing (‘MDP’) System, according to the operational and technical requirements as set out in … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Cirrus Spain S.L. DTN Services and Systems Spain, S.L.