Procurements: Small craft

2 archived procurements

Small craft have been procured by organizations such as Department of Transport, and Irish Naval Service.
Historically, suppliers within this area have been FM Marine Services Ltd, and Munster Drone Services Ltd.

Recent procurements of small craft in Ireland

2022-07-19   Supply of Portable Drones to the IRCG (Department of Transport)
Supply of small portable drones with handheld controller in suitable carry case with 1 x set of spare batteries. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Munster Drone Services Ltd
2021-04-15   Multi Purpose Motor Launches (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service seeks tender from economic operators for the provision of four 12 m to 15 m multi purpose motor launches. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: FM Marine Services Ltd