2017-09-29   Managed network solution access and transport platform (Irish Aviation Authority)
Supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and annual support of a managed network solution access and transport platform for the Irish Aviation Authority. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Nokia UK Ltd
2013-07-19   P1213 CUTE & Self Service Dublin (Dublin Airport Authority Plc (DAA ))
The vendor/s are required to supply, install, commission and support the trialling of self service equipment related to airport passenger processing at Dublin and Cork Airport. This is to include build, logistics, all components required to run the trials, associated software, and support staff for the duration as defined. View the procurement ยป
2012-06-29   Provision of IT Managed Services and Supporting Software (Dublin Airport Authority plc (DAA))
DAA views the delivery of an optimised and cost effective IT Managed Service model as a core component of its IT strategy. In addition DAA see this as a strategic opportunity to develop a commercial IT model which leverages the components included in this project to deliver services to its customer base. DAA currently has many different managed service providers for a range of airport specific and general IT services. This project will look to rationalise and streamline service delivery as well as โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป