2020-10-28   Open Tender for Radiotherapy Equipment (Health Service Executive (HSE))
Open tender competition for the provision of specialist radiation oncology equipment. View the procurement ยป
2017-08-17   National Plan for Radiation Oncology Supply Contract Cork University Hospital (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The Equipment to be supplied is as follows: 5 Nr. Linacs; 2 Nr. CT Simulators; Treatment Planning System; High Performance Ultrasound Scanner; QA/Dosimetry Equipment; Accessories and Equipment Training. View the procurement ยป
2015-05-01   See detailed description (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The provision of 2 Linear Accelerators and associated equipment, and associated building works, designed, constructed and commissioned by Supplier, at St Lukeโ€˜s Hospital for the Health Service Executive. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Varian Medical Systems Ltd