Procurements: National Disability Authority (NDA)

2 archived procurements

Recent procurements by National Disability Authority (NDA)

2022-02-28   In-depth and mobile app accessibility reviews, EU Web Accessibility Directive (National Disability Authority (NDA))
NDA requires a suitably qualified and experienced supplier to provide a robust and transparent In-depth web and mobile app accessibility Review and Reporting Process for conducting in-depth, manual reviews of mobile apps and websites, as specified in Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1524. The Review and Reporting Process will be used to perform full-coverage and consistent audits against the harmonized standard EN 301 549 for websites and mobile apps using step-by-step guidance and report โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
2017-05-31   Early Years Settings from a Universal Design Approach (National Disability Authority (NDA))
The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design at the National Disability Authority now invites responses from suitably qualified Tenderers to develop Universal Design Guidance for Early Years Settings, including a self-audit tool for use by early years practitioners, among others. This to include a Literature Review, Synthesis and Research and Recommendations Report based on national and international best practice from a Universal Design approach (also looking at best practice in Inclusive Design, โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป