Procurements: European Commission, COMM - Communication, COMM.DGA1.C.DU - Dublin - Representation in Ireland

One archived procurement

European Commission, COMM - Communication, COMM.DGA1.C.DU - Dublin - Representation in Ireland has historically been a buyer of recreational, cultural and sporting services, radio and television services, and radio services.

Recent procurements by European Commission, COMM - Communication, COMM.DGA1.C.DU - Dublin - Representation in Ireland

2021-02-22   Broadcast Services to provide EU-related News for Local and Community Radio Stations in Ireland-COMM/DUB/2021/OP/0058 (European Commission, COMM - Communication, COMM.DGA1.C.DU - Dublin - Representation in Ireland)
In the framework of its information and communication activities, the Representation in Ireland intends to sign a contract with a service supplier to provide EU-related news stories for local and community radio stations in Ireland. Whereas, in Ireland, the national news media have special editors/correspondents assigned in Brussels to cover European stories, the local media have no such facility. Given that local radio commands approximately 56 % of daytime listenership in this country (source: JNLR โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป