Multi Party Framework Agreement for Minor Repair and Maintenance Works in Dublin City Council

Dublin City Council

Please note that this project is subject to funding. For further information please refer to documentation available to download from Resource ID 2299854 The contract will include works of a general building nature, including repairs and maintenance works, property maintenance, urgent maintenance and repairs, planned maintenance and unscheduled works. These works will include adaptations to Dublin City Council dwellings for disability access, extensions, level access shower rooms, ramps, etc. Works also include glazing and the erection of hoarding. All general building works relate, but are not restricted to, Dublin City Council's stock of approximately 26,000 dwellings. The Council's Housing Stock is administered though 11 Housing Areas. It is proposed to establish a Lot for each Housing Area and one further Citywide Area, giving 12 Lots in total: The Lots are divided as follows: Lot 1 - Ballymun-Finglas Lot 2 - Artane-Whitehall Lot 3 - Donaghmede Lot 4 - Clontarf Lot 5 - Cabra-Glasnevin Lot 6 - North Inner City Lot 7 - South West Inner City Lot 8 - South East Inner City Lot 9 - Ballyfermot-Drimnagh Lot 10 - Kimmage-Rathmines Lot 11 - Pembroke Lot 12 - Citywide Each Lot will have a value of €4 million. Each Lot shall be established for a period of 12 months with an option of a further 12 months. Should the maximum value of any Lot be reached before the timeframe of the Lot then the Lot in question shall be deemed to have expired. This Multi Party Framework Agreement is assessed under the Open Procedure. Tenderers will initially be assessed under financial, economic and technical criteria as set out in the Suitability Assessment Criteria. Tenderers who pass all categories will be assessed at Stage 2, the Invitation to Tender stage. The criteria included in this stage are listed in the Instructions to Tender document included with this Framework Competition. It is envisaged that a maximum of 30 tenderers per Lot (if meeting the minimum criteria as outlined in the Instructions to Tenderers) will be admitted to the Multi Party Framework Agreement.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2023-11-06. The procurement was published on 2023-10-05.




Procurement history
Date Document
2023-10-05 Contract notice
Contract notice (2023-10-05)
Contracting authority
Name and addresses
Name: Dublin City Council
Postal address: Civic Offices, Wood Quay
Postal town: Dublin
Postal code: D08 RF3F
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Contact person: Michelle Robinson
Phone: +353 12224493 📞
E-mail: 📧
Region: Éire/Ireland 🏙️
URL: 🌏
Address of the buyer profile: 🌏
Information about joint procurement
The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body
Documents URL: 🌏
Participation URL: 🌏

Scope of the procurement
“Multi Party Framework Agreement for Minor Repair and Maintenance Works in Dublin City Council”
Products/services: Construction work 📦
Short description:
“Please note that this project is subject to funding. For further information please refer to documentation available to download from”    Show more
Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 48 000 000 💰
Information about lots
Tenders may be submitted for maximum number of lots: 12

Scope of the procurement
Title: Ballymun-Finglas
Lot Identification Number: 1
Additional products/services: Construction work 📦
Place of performance: Dublin 🏙️
Description of the procurement:
“Please note that this project is subject to funding. For further information please refer to documentation available to download from”    Show more
Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Duration: 24

Scope of the procurement
Title: Artane-Whitehall
Lot Identification Number: 2

Scope of the procurement
Title: Donaghmede
Lot Identification Number: 3

Scope of the procurement
Title: Clontarf
Lot Identification Number: 4

Scope of the procurement
Title: Cabra-Glasnevin
Lot Identification Number: 5

Scope of the procurement
Title: North Inner City
Lot Identification Number: 6

Scope of the procurement
Title: South-West Inner City
Lot Identification Number: 7

Scope of the procurement
Title: South-East Inner City
Lot Identification Number: 8

Scope of the procurement
Title: Ballyfermot-Drimnagh
Lot Identification Number: 9

Scope of the procurement
Title: Kimmage-Rathmines
Lot Identification Number: 10

Scope of the procurement
Title: Pembroke
Lot Identification Number: 11

Scope of the procurement
Title: Citywide
Lot Identification Number: 12

Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Conditions for participation
List and brief description of conditions:
“As stated in procurement documents available to download from”
Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents

Type of procedure
Open procedure
Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
Framework agreement with a single operator
Administrative information
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2023-11-06 12:00 📅
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English 🗣️
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: Irish 🗣️
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender: 12
Conditions for opening of tenders: 2023-11-06 12:30 📅

Complementary information
Information about electronic workflows
Electronic payment will be used
Additional information

“1. Suppliers must register their interest on the Irish Government procurement opportunities portal in order to be included on the...”    Show more
Review body
Name: High Court
Postal address: Inns Quay
Postal town: Dublin 7
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Phone: +353 18886000 📞
E-mail: 📧
Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures: Please consult a legal advisor
Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained
Name: Please consult a legal advisor
Postal town: Please consult a legal advisor
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Source: OJS 2023/S 195-609274 (2023-10-05)
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