Description of the procurement
Córas Iompair Eireann (CIÉ) is the national statutory authority providing land public transport within the Republic of Ireland. It is wholly owned by the Government of Ireland and reports to the Minister for Transport. It was established by the Transport Act, 1944 and commenced operations in 1945.
For the past few decades, the company has built up a substantial archive of physical documentation which the business would now like to digitise inhouse. The CIÉ Heuston Archive comprising of the following:
• Historical Annual Board papers (bound books).
• Historical Minute (bound books).
• Property Title Deeds (bound books).
• Large Vellum maps/documents (A1 sized flat sheets).
In line with CIÉ’s commitment for improved sustainability and responsibility for the preservation of historical and heritage valued documents, the company is proposing the implementation of a specialised overhead book scanner to facilitate current archive staff with digitising the company’s archive documentation. The scanned documents will be used to build a repository which will allow relevant departments to view uploaded documents.
CIÉ has already digitised some documents and would like to continue capturing archived documents in-house and is not looking to outsource the scanning to a third party.
To improve efficiency and quality of CIÉ’s archiving capabilities it is proposed that a specialised archive book scanner is procured and implemented to help staff’s ability to process large volumes of documentation and archive materials.
The project at a high level will include:
• Delivery and implementation of scanner to Heuston Station offices, Dublin.
• Initial set up and training of Archive Administration team.
• Configuration and support for set up of scanner software including assistance with any storage or application integrations.
• Ongoing training, support, and warranty for the maintenance of the scanner.