Multi-party Framework Agreement for Bridge Operation and Maintenance Works of Movable Bridges in Dublin City, established on foot of an initial contract for the Samuel Beckett Bridge
Dublin City Council invites tenders from suitably qualified Works Contractors to carry out the Operation and Maintenance of movable bridges in Dublin City. Dublin City Council has a number of movable bridges in its charge with varying ages, types of construction (such as swing, bascule) and materials (such as cable stayed, steel, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete). The bridges span various waterways around the city and are key infrastructural assets that require an active management system to prevent loss of service. Currently Operation and Maintenance of the bridges is carried out through contracts that include mechanical, electrical and civil works.
Dublin City Council proposes to establish a four year Multi Party Framework Agreement with up to five economic operators for bridge operations and maintenance works of movable bridges in Dublin City on foot of an initial five year contract for the Operation and Maintenance of the Samuel Beckett Bridge.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2023-02-03.
The procurement was published on 2022-12-16.
Object Scope of the procurement
“Multi-party Framework Agreement for Bridge Operation and Maintenance Works of Movable Bridges in Dublin City, established on foot of an initial contract for...”
Multi-party Framework Agreement for Bridge Operation and Maintenance Works of Movable Bridges in Dublin City, established on foot of an initial contract for the Samuel Beckett Bridge
RFT ID: 205392
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Products/services: Construction work for bridges📦
Short description:
“Dublin City Council invites tenders from suitably qualified Works Contractors to carry out the Operation and Maintenance of movable bridges in Dublin City....”
Short description
Dublin City Council invites tenders from suitably qualified Works Contractors to carry out the Operation and Maintenance of movable bridges in Dublin City. Dublin City Council has a number of movable bridges in its charge with varying ages, types of construction (such as swing, bascule) and materials (such as cable stayed, steel, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete). The bridges span various waterways around the city and are key infrastructural assets that require an active management system to prevent loss of service. Currently Operation and Maintenance of the bridges is carried out through contracts that include mechanical, electrical and civil works.
Dublin City Council proposes to establish a four year Multi Party Framework Agreement with up to five economic operators for bridge operations and maintenance works of movable bridges in Dublin City on foot of an initial five year contract for the Operation and Maintenance of the Samuel Beckett Bridge.
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Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 6 000 000 💰
Dublin City Council invites tenders from suitably qualified Works Contractors to carry out the Operation and Maintenance of movable bridges in Dublin City. Dublin City Council has a number of movable bridges in its charge with varying types of construction (such as swing, bascule) and materials (such as cable stayed, steel, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete). Although the bridge ages vary they all span the various waterways around the city and are key infrastructural assets that require an active management system to prevent loss of service. Currently, the Operations & Maintenance of the bridges is carried out through a variety of separate Contracts that includes mechanical, electrical control systems and civils components. Bridge operations (opening/closing) to accommodate occasional ship traffic to the section of river upstream of the bridges are carried out as required and requested by Dublin Port.
Dublin City Council (the Contracting Authority) wishes to establish a four year multi-party framework agreement with up to five economic operators (subject to the quality and number of applications received) for bridge operations and maintenance works of movable bridges in Dublin City. The framework will be established on foot of an initial five year contract for the Operation and Maintenance of the Samuel Beckett Bridge.
Dublin City Council’s proposed procurement strategy in respect of future operation and maintenance requirements for the Samuel Beckett Bridge includes for the provision of two separate contracts of a five year duration and both running in parallel with each other, as follows:
• Main Operation and Maintenance Contract (covered by this RFT) – covers the majority of operation and maintenance requirements except maintenance relating to the control system software.
• Control System Software Contract (not covered by this RFT) – covers maintenance of the bespoke control system software developed for the bridge and support during openings and operation of the bridge.
Show more Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 6 000 000 💰
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Duration: 60
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
This contract is subject to renewal ✅ Description
Description of renewals:
“The duration of the initial contract for the Samuel Beckett Bridge will be for a period of 60 months with the option for the Contracting Authority to extend...”
Description of renewals
The duration of the initial contract for the Samuel Beckett Bridge will be for a period of 60 months with the option for the Contracting Authority to extend by two separate periods, each of up to 12 months.
Show more Information about options
Options ✅
Description of options:
“The duration of the initial contract for the Samuel Beckett Bridge will be for a period of 60 months with the option for the Contracting Authority to extend...”
Description of options
The duration of the initial contract for the Samuel Beckett Bridge will be for a period of 60 months with the option for the Contracting Authority to extend by two separate periods, each of up to 12 months. The optional extensions are purely at the discretion of the contracting authority, and are subject to satisfactory performance, budget availability, ongoing business need, and relevant approvals.
Show more Description
Additional information:
“For further information please refer to tender documentation, which contains full instructions regarding the submission of tenders and is available to...”
Additional information
For further information please refer to tender documentation, which contains full instructions regarding the submission of tenders and is available to download from using RFT 205392.
Legal, economic, financial and technical information Conditions for participation
List and brief description of conditions:
“Please consult Suitability Assessment Questionnaire available to download from using RFT ID 205392.” Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Information about staff responsible for the performance of the contract
Obligation to indicate the names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to performing the contract
Procedure Type of procedure
Open procedure
Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
Framework agreement with several operators
Envisaged maximum number of participants to the framework agreement: 5
Administrative information
Previous publication concerning this procedure: 2014/S 101-175828
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2023-02-03
12:00 📅
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English 🗣️
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: Irish 🗣️
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender: 12
Conditions for opening of tenders: 2023-02-03
12:00 📅
Conditions for opening of tenders (Information about authorised persons and opening procedure):
“The date, time and place for opening of tenders may change at the discretion of Dublin City Council.”
Complementary information Information about electronic workflows
Electronic invoicing will be accepted
Electronic payment will be used
Additional information
“Please note due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, facilitation of all meetings, information day, site visits, clarification meetings, etc. (as applicable)...”
Please note due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, facilitation of all meetings, information day, site visits, clarification meetings, etc. (as applicable) is severely impacted. Where possible Dublin City Council will put in place alternative arrangements such as on-line meetings, etc. Likewise, anticipated dates (closing date for receipt of clarifications or tender submissions) may change. Suppliers will be kept fully up to date at all stages through the eTenders messaging system.
1. Suppliers must register their interest on the Irish Government procurement opportunities portal in order to be included on the mailing list for clarifications.
2. Please note that all information relating to attachments, including clarifications & changes, will be published on only. Registration is free of charge. DCC will not accept responsibility for information relayed (or not relayed) via third parties.
3. Emailed/faxed/late tenders will not be accepted.
4. Suppliers should note the following when making their submission:
• To enable submission of multiple documents concurrently, download & install the ‘Upload Manager ActiveX’ facility to your eTenders user profile.
• When using the ‘Upload Manager’ facility do not use the ‘Schedule’ option.
• Instead, use only the ‘Upload’ option, which will enable monitoring of the upload.
• Suppliers who do not use the Upload Manager can upload individual files,
however please ensure to allow sufficient time for upload.
• There is a maximum upload limit of 2GB per file. Documents larger than this should be divided into smaller files prior to upload.
• In order to submit a document to the electronic postbox, please note that you must click “Submit Response”. After submitting a response, the response may be modified and re-submitted as many times as may be necessary until the RFT deadline has expired. Suppliers should be aware that the “Submit Response” button will be disabled automatically upon expiration of the response deadline.
• Suppliers must ensure that they give themselves sufficient time to upload & submit all required documentation before the submission deadline. Suppliers should take into account the fact that upload speeds vary.
• If you experience difficulty when uploading documents please contact eTenders Support Desk for technical assistance. Email or Telephone: 353 (0) 21 243 92 77 (09:00am – 17:30pm GMT) 5. All queries must be submitted through the messaging facility on RFT ID: 205392, and must be in question format. Responses will be circulated to those that have registered an interest in this notice on The details of the party making the query will not be disclosed when circulating the response. All queries must be submitted by 12 noon 20th January 2023 to enable issue of responses to all interested parties.
6. For each criterion marked as Response: Declaration Required, applicants must initially provide the Appendices referenced under each criterion no later than the date set for return of the forms, and, where appropriate, confirm in the box provided that it is included with the completed Questionnaire. Failure to do so could invalidate the submission.
Applicants may also satisfy this requirement by submitting an ESPD completed in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/7. By completing Part IV (a) of the ESPD titled: Global Indication for all Selection Criteria, applicants will be taken to declare that they meet the standards set for all criteria where the response is Declaration Required. Supporting documentation should be provided promptly upon request from the Contracting Authority.
7. Refer to document 'Additional Information’ available to download from using RFT ID 205392 for further information.
Show more Review body
Name: The High Court
Postal address: Chief Registrar, High Court, Inns Quay
Postal town: Dublin
Postal code: Dublin 7
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Phone: +353 18886000📞
E-mail:📧 Body responsible for mediation procedures
Name: Consult legal advisor.
Postal town: Consult legal advisor.
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪 Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
“The framework agreement is covered by the application of the Remedies Directive and the relevant standstill period applied at time of notification.” Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained
Name: Consult legal advisor.
Postal town: Consult legal advisor.
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Source: OJS 2022/S 246-713660 (2022-12-16)
Additional information (2023-01-23)
Complementary information Original notice reference
Notice number in the OJ S: 2022/S 246-713660
Changes Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.2
Old value
Date: 2023-02-03 📅
Time: 12:00
New value
Date: 2023-02-24 📅
Time: 12:00
Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.7
Old value
Date: 2023-02-03 📅
Time: 12:00
New value
Date: 2023-02-24 📅
Time: 12:00
Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: VI.3
Old value
“Please note due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, facilitation of all meetings, information day, site visits, clarification meetings, etc. (as applicable)...”
Please note due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, facilitation of all meetings, information day, site visits, clarification meetings, etc. (as applicable) is severely impacted. Where possible Dublin City Council will put in place alternative arrangements such as on-line meetings, etc. Likewise, anticipated dates (closing date for receipt of clarifications or tender submissions) may change. Suppliers will be kept fully up to date at all stages through the eTenders messaging system.
1. Suppliers must register their interest on the Irish Government procurement opportunities portal in order to be included on the mailing list for clarifications.
2. Please note that all information relating to attachments, including clarifications & changes, will be published on only. Registration is free of charge. DCC will not accept responsibility for information relayed (or not relayed) via third parties.
3. Emailed/faxed/late tenders will not be accepted.
4. Suppliers should note the following when making their submission:
• To enable submission of multiple documents concurrently, download & install the ‘Upload Manager ActiveX’ facility to your eTenders user profile.
• When using the ‘Upload Manager’ facility do not use the ‘Schedule’ option.
• Instead, use only the ‘Upload’ option, which will enable monitoring of the upload.
• Suppliers who do not use the Upload Manager can upload individual files,
however please ensure to allow sufficient time for upload.
• There is a maximum upload limit of 2GB per file. Documents larger than this should be divided into smaller files prior to upload.
• In order to submit a document to the electronic postbox, please note that you must click “Submit Response”. After submitting a response, the response may be modified and re-submitted as many times as may be necessary until the RFT deadline has expired. Suppliers should be aware that the “Submit Response” button will be disabled automatically upon expiration of the response deadline.
• Suppliers must ensure that they give themselves sufficient time to upload & submit all required documentation before the submission deadline. Suppliers should take into account the fact that upload speeds vary.
• If you experience difficulty when uploading documents please contact eTenders Support Desk for technical assistance. Email or Telephone: 353 (0) 21 243 92 77 (09:00am – 17:30pm GMT) 5. All queries must be submitted through the messaging facility on RFT ID: 205392, and must be in question format. Responses will be circulated to those that have registered an interest in this notice on The details of the party making the query will not be disclosed when circulating the response. All queries must be submitted by 12 noon 20th January 2023 to enable issue of responses to all interested parties.
6. For each criterion marked as Response: Declaration Required, applicants must initially provide the Appendices referenced under each criterion no later than the date set for return of the forms, and, where appropriate, confirm in the box provided that it is included with the completed Questionnaire. Failure to do so could invalidate the submission.
Applicants may also satisfy this requirement by submitting an ESPD completed in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/7. By completing Part IV (a) of the ESPD titled: Global Indication for all Selection Criteria, applicants will be taken to declare that they meet the standards set for all criteria where the response is Declaration Required. Supporting documentation should be provided promptly upon request from the Contracting Authority.
7. Refer to document 'Additional Information’ available to download from using RFT ID 205392 for further information.
Show more New value
“Please note due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, facilitation of all meetings, information day, site visits, clarification meetings, etc. (as applicable)...”
Please note due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, facilitation of all meetings, information day, site visits, clarification meetings, etc. (as applicable) is severely impacted. Where possible Dublin City Council will put in place alternative arrangements such as on-line meetings, etc. Likewise, anticipated dates (closing date for receipt of clarifications or tender submissions) may change. Suppliers will be kept fully up to date at all stages through the eTenders messaging system.
1. Suppliers must register their interest on the Irish Government procurement opportunities portal in order to be included on the mailing list for clarifications.
2. Please note that all information relating to attachments, including clarifications & changes, will be published on only. Registration is free of charge. DCC will not accept responsibility for information relayed (or not relayed) via third parties.
3. Emailed/faxed/late tenders will not be accepted.
4. Suppliers should note the following when making their submission:
• To enable submission of multiple documents concurrently, download & install the ‘Upload Manager ActiveX’ facility to your eTenders user profile.
• When using the ‘Upload Manager’ facility do not use the ‘Schedule’ option.
• Instead, use only the ‘Upload’ option, which will enable monitoring of the upload.
• Suppliers who do not use the Upload Manager can upload individual files,
however please ensure to allow sufficient time for upload.
• There is a maximum upload limit of 2GB per file. Documents larger than this should be divided into smaller files prior to upload.
• In order to submit a document to the electronic postbox, please note that you must click “Submit Response”. After submitting a response, the response may be modified and re-submitted as many times as may be necessary until the RFT deadline has expired. Suppliers should be aware that the “Submit Response” button will be disabled automatically upon expiration of the response deadline.
• Suppliers must ensure that they give themselves sufficient time to upload & submit all required documentation before the submission deadline. Suppliers should take into account the fact that upload speeds vary.
• If you experience difficulty when uploading documents please contact eTenders Support Desk for technical assistance. Email or Telephone: 353 (0) 21 243 92 77 (09:00am – 17:30pm GMT)
5. All queries must be submitted through the messaging facility on RFT ID: 205392, and must be in question format. Responses will be circulated to those that have registered an interest in this notice on The details of the party making the query will not be disclosed when circulating the response. All queries must be submitted by 12 noon 10th February 2023 to enable issue of responses to all interested parties.
6. For each criterion marked as Response: Declaration Required, applicants must initially provide the Appendices referenced under each criterion no later than the date set for return of the forms, and, where appropriate, confirm in the box provided that it is included with the completed Questionnaire. Failure to do so could invalidate the submission.
Applicants may also satisfy this requirement by submitting an ESPD completed in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/7. By completing Part IV (a) of the ESPD titled: Global Indication for all Selection Criteria, applicants will be taken to declare that they meet the standards set for all criteria where the response is Declaration Required. Supporting documentation should be provided promptly upon request from the Contracting Authority.
7. Refer to document 'Additional Information’ available to download from using RFT ID 205392 for further information.
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Source: OJS 2023/S 020-055689 (2023-01-23)