Kilbride School Campus

Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board

Expressions of Interest are invited from suitably qualified Main Contractors who wish to be considered for the construction of a new educational campus and a new link road that will serve the school campus which will include the provision of two school buildings. Gaelscoil an Inbhir Mhóir a two-storey, 16 classrooms primary school with special needs rooms. Gaelchólaiste na Mara a three-story, post primary school with special needs rooms. Proposed site works to include the construction of new hard play areas, play-courts, grass pitch, car-parking spaces, boundary treatment, bicycle stands, ancillary infrastructure works, pedestrian links and landscaping.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2022-05-11. The procurement was published on 2022-03-29.




Procurement history
Date Document
2022-03-29 Contract notice
Contract notice (2022-03-29)
Contracting authority
Name and addresses
Name: Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board
National registration number: 3185909WH
Postal address: Level 5, Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park,
Postal town: Naas,
Postal code: Co. Kildare
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Contact person: Pam Anderson
Phone: +353 045988000 📞
E-mail: 📧
Region: Éire/Ireland 🏙️
URL: 🌏
Address of the buyer profile: 🌏
Documents URL: 🌏
Participation URL: 🌏

Scope of the procurement
Title: Kilbride School Campus Kilbride Education Campus/2022
Products/services: Construction work 📦
Short description:
“Expressions of Interest are invited from suitably qualified Main Contractors who wish to be considered for the construction of a new educational campus and...”    Show more
Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 21 500 000 💰

Additional products/services: Building construction work 📦
Additional products/services: Construction work for school buildings 📦
Additional products/services: Primary school construction work 📦
Additional products/services: Secondary school construction work 📦
Place of performance: Éire/Ireland 🏙️
Description of the procurement:
“Expressions of Interest are invited from suitably qualified Main Contractors who wish to be considered for the construction of a new educational campus and...”    Show more
Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 21 500 000 💰
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Duration: 20
Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Envisaged number of candidates: 8
Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates: As per Suitability Assessment Questionnaire

Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Conditions for participation
List and brief description of conditions: As per Suitability Assessment Questionnaire
Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents

Type of procedure
Restricted procedure
Administrative information
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2022-05-11 15:00 📅
Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates: 2022-08-30 📅
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English 🗣️
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender: 6

Complementary information
Review body
Name: High Court of Ireland
Postal address: The Court Service, 6th Floor, 15-24 Phoenix Street North
Postal town: Smithfield, Dublin 7
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Source: OJS 2022/S 065-167855 (2022-03-29)