Description of the procurement
Tender for the N55 Corduff to South of Killydoon Realignment Scheme - Section B for Cavan County Council.
N55 Corduff to South of Killydoon โ Section B involves the construction
of 3.7km of a route improvement scheme for the N55 in Co. Cavan.
The scope of works of this contract involves :
- Realignment of approximately 3.7 km of National Secondary road to a
Type 2 single carriageway with a standard cross section consisting of a
7.0m carriageway with 2 x 0.5m hard strips and 2 x 3.0m grass verges in
accordance with TII DN-GEO-03036.
- Realignment of 2 no. local side roads, construction of 5 no. side roads
to link bypassed sections of the existing N55 and the construction of
numerous direct accesses;
- Site Clearance;
- Fencing, Boundary Treatments and Accommodation Works;
- Road Restraint Systems;
- Drainage;
- Earthworks including excavate and replace of peat and rock cut;
- Pavements, Kerbs, Footways and Paved Areas;
- Traffic Signs and Road Markings;
- Public Lighting;
- CCTV survey of pipes and drains;
- Landscaping and Environmental Mitigation;
- Contractor Designed Structures;
- Services ducts for Utilities and Watermain works including diversions;
- Three new over bridges across the River Erne;
- Two new retaining walls
- Noise barriers
- Footpath works
- Traffic Calming works in bypassed Killydoon Village
Please refer to Tender Documents for further details.