Description of the procurement
The proposed works include public realm upgrade works in a number of
locations with the town centre of Navan, Co. Meath.
Specific locations include
- Section R4 Kennedy Road which incorporates works on Paddy O'Brien
St, Kennedy Road, Kennedy Plaza, Trimgate St and a portion of Market
Square and localised works on Watergate Street.
- Section R7 Abbey Road
The works include;
Site Clearance and Demolition of existing structures
Construction of new retaining walls
Construction of steps and ramps
Construction of raised planters
Construction of drainage and watermains
Construction of utilities including ducting for ESB Networks, Telecoms,
CCTV and Traffic Signals.
Gas Main and Watermain diversions
Construction of Public Lighting.
Construction of extensive paving for footways and public spaces
Construction of kerbing and new road pavement.
Hard and Soft Landscaping including 1 year maintenance of same.
The scope of the works also include all necessary temporary works to
facilitate the continuous operation of local businesses and traffic.