The Contracting Authority, Irelandโs public service development agency, is seeking tenders from agents to provide a comprehensive book acquisition service for its Education and Library divisions.
It provides a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications in public management.
The Contracting Authority also plays a significant role in capacity building in the Irish public sector through its Training and Development division. The Contracting Authority also has a dedicated Research Division.
Finally, the Contracting Authority has a library dedicated to books, journals, and other materials in the broad field of public management. The library, which serves students, members of the Institute of Public Administration, and the research community, and is managed by professional librarians and orders books as required.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2021-10-20.
The procurement was published on 2021-09-20.
Object Scope of the procurement
โMulti Operator Framework for the supply and sourcing of Student Texts and Library Books and related services to the Institute of Public Administration
Products/services: Textbooks๐ฆ
Short description:
โThe Contracting Authority, Irelandโs public service development agency, is seeking tenders from agents to provide a comprehensive book acquisition service...โ
Short description
The Contracting Authority, Irelandโs public service development agency, is seeking tenders from agents to provide a comprehensive book acquisition service for its Education and Library divisions.
It provides a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications in public management.
The Contracting Authority also plays a significant role in capacity building in the Irish public sector through its Training and Development division. The Contracting Authority also has a dedicated Research Division.
Finally, the Contracting Authority has a library dedicated to books, journals, and other materials in the broad field of public management. The library, which serves students, members of the Institute of Public Administration, and the research community, and is managed by professional librarians and orders books as required.
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Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 1 800 000 ๐ฐ
Additional products/services: Printed books๐ฆ
Additional products/services: Library books๐ฆ
Place of performance: Dublin๐๏ธ
Main site or place of performance: Dublin 4
Description of the procurement:
โThe Contracting Authority, Irelandโs public service development agency, is seeking tenders from agents to provide a comprehensive book acquisition service...โ
Description of the procurement
The Contracting Authority, Irelandโs public service development agency, is seeking tenders from agents to provide a comprehensive book acquisition service for its Education and Library divisions.
Founded in 1957, the Contracting Authority is the national authority in education, training, and research services for the Irish public service. A recognised college of the National University of Ireland, the Contracting Authority, through its Whitaker School of Government and Management, provides a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications in public management, covering such areas as economics, governance, finance, law, policy analysis, politics, healthcare management, and HRM. Its programmes sit between levels six and ten on the National Framework of Qualifications. (see IPA website for further details -
The Contracting Authority also plays a significant role in capacity building in the Irish public sector. Its Training and Development division provides on-site and off-site training programmes in various areas and for various public bodies. The Contracting Authority also has a dedicated Research Division that focuses on applied, commissioned research. Its research agenda is closely integrated with the governmentโs public service reform programme.
Finally, the Contracting Authority has a library dedicated to books, journals, and other materials in the broad field of public management. The library, which serves students, members of the Institute of Public Administration, and the research community, and is managed by professional librarians and orders books as required.
The sourcing and acquisition of eBooks, periodicals, journals, electronic databases etc. is not within the scope of this framework.
Show more Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 1 800 000 ๐ฐ
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Duration: 48
Legal, economic, financial and technical information Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Procedure Type of procedure
Open procedure
Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
Framework agreement with several operators
Envisaged maximum number of participants to the framework agreement: 2
Administrative information
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2021-10-20
15:00 ๐
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English ๐ฃ๏ธ
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender: 12
Conditions for opening of tenders: 2021-10-20
15:00 ๐
Complementary information Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement โ
Estimated timing for further notices to be published: Prior to the end of the Framework Agreement established under this competition
Additional information
โeTenders RFT ID: 198786
The Contracting Authority anticipates that the value of the Framework Agreement will be within the range of 1,000,000 euros to...โ
eTenders RFT ID: 198786
The Contracting Authority anticipates that the value of the Framework Agreement will be within the range of 1,000,000 euros to 1,800,000 euros (excluding VAT)
Show more Review body
Name: High Court
Postal town: Dublin
Country: Ireland ๐ฎ๐ช
URL: www.courts.ie๐ Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
โAs set out in section 7 of the European Communities (Public Authoritesโ Contracts) (Review Procedures) Regulations SI 130/2010, as amended.โ
Source: OJS 2021/S 186-481212 (2021-09-20)