GMIT Multi Operator Framework Agreement Design Team Services 2021

Galway Mayo Institute of Technology

Establishment of a number of multi‐party framework agreements for architect led integrated design team services or individual disciplines in seven lots as required using the competitive procedure with negotiation.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2021-04-19. The procurement was published on 2021-03-16.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2021-03-16 Contract notice
2021-04-03 Additional information
2022-02-14 Contract award notice
Contract notice (2021-03-16)
Contracting authority
Name and addresses
Name: Galway Mayo Institute of Technology
National registration number: N/a
Postal address: Dublin Road
Postal town: Galway
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Contact person: Corinna Gavin
Phone: +353 91742117 📞
E-mail: 📧
Fax: +353 91759706 📠
Region: West 🏙️
URL: 🌏
Address of the buyer profile: 🌏
Documents URL: 🌏
Participation URL: 🌏

Scope of the procurement
“GMIT Multi Operator Framework Agreement Design Team Services 2021 GMIT Design Team Services 2021”
Products/services: Architectural design services 📦
Short description:
“Establishment of a number of multi‐party framework agreements for architect led integrated design team services or individual disciplines in seven lots as...”    Show more
Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 7 000 000 💰
Information about lots
Tenders may be submitted for all lots
Scope of the procurement
The contracting authority reserves the right to award contracts combining the following lots or groups of lots:
“Lot 1: Architectural design services including specialist skills; Lot 2: Quantity surveying services including specialist skills (MEQS); Lot 3:...”    Show more

Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 1: Architectural Design Services including Specialist Skills
Lot Identification Number: 1
Additional products/services: Architectural, engineering and surveying services 📦
Additional products/services: Architectural and building-surveying services 📦
Additional products/services: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services 📦
Additional products/services: Architectural and related services 📦
Additional products/services: Advisory architectural services 📦
Additional products/services: Architectural design services 📦
Additional products/services: Architectural services for buildings 📦
Additional products/services: Architectural services for outdoor areas 📦
Additional products/services: Architectural services for building extensions 📦
Additional products/services: Architectural, engineering and planning services 📦
Additional products/services: Urban planning and landscape architectural services 📦
Additional products/services: Urban development construction work 📦
Additional products/services: Urban planning services 📦
Additional products/services: Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis 📦
Additional products/services: Environmental engineering consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Noise-control consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Sound insulation and room acoustics consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Environmental impact assessment for construction 📦
Additional products/services: Energy and related services 📦
Additional products/services: Energy-efficiency consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Building services 📦
Additional products/services: Advisory and consultative engineering services 📦
Additional products/services: Integrated engineering services 📦
Additional products/services: Landscape architectural services 📦
Additional products/services: Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Fire and explosion protection and control consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Health and safety services 📦
Additional products/services: Health and safety consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Bridge-design services 📦
Additional products/services: Archaeological services 📦
Place of performance: West 🏙️
Place of performance: Northern and Western 🏙️
Place of performance: Ireland 🏙️
Main site or place of performance: Galway and Mayo.
Description of the procurement:
“Lot 1: Architectural design services including specialist skills of fire engineering design services, landscape architectural design services, sports pitch...”    Show more
Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 2 000 000 💰
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Duration: 48
Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Envisaged number of candidates: 3
Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates:
“The procedure being utilised in this competition is the ‘Competitive Procedure with Negotiation’. This procedure has been chosen as the optimum procedure to...”    Show more
Additional information:
“Establishment of a number of multi‐party framework agreements for architect led integrated design team services or individual disciplines in seven lots as...”    Show more

Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 2: Quantity Surveying Services including Specialist Skills MEQS
Lot Identification Number: 2
Additional products/services: Quantity surveying services 📦
Additional products/services: Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works 📦
Place of performance: Éire/Ireland 🏙️
Description of the procurement:
“Quantity surveying services including specialist skills of mechanical and electrical quantity surveying services (MEQS). Description of service: (a)...”    Show more
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 500 000 💰
Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates:
“The procedure being utilised in this competition is the ‘Competitive Procedure with Negotiation’. This procedure has been chosen as the optimum procedure to...”    Show more

Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 3: Civil/Structural Engineering Services
Lot Identification Number: 3
Additional products/services: Structural engineering consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works 📦
Additional products/services: Civil engineering consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Civil engineering support services 📦
Description of the procurement:
“Description of service: (a) the civil/structural engineer shall provide the professional services in the area of civil/structural engineering as necessary...”    Show more
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 500 000 💰
Additional information:
“Establishment of a number of multi‐party framework agreements for architect led integrated design team services or individual disciplines in seven, lots as...”    Show more

Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 4: M&E Services Engineering Services
Lot Identification Number: 4
Additional products/services: Mechanical engineering services 📦
Additional products/services: Mechanical and electrical engineering services 📦
Description of the procurement:
“Description of service: (a) the M&E engineer shall provide the professional services in the area of mechanical and electrical engineering as necessary to...”    Show more
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 500 000 💰
Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates:
“The procedure being utilised in this competition is the ‘Competitive Procedure with Negotiation’. This procedure has been chosen as the optimum procedure to...”    Show more

Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 5: Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) Services
Lot Identification Number: 5
Description of the procurement:
“(a) the PSDP shall perform all the duties of PSDP under the Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 (S.I. No 291 of 2013) and any...”    Show more
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 500 000 💰
Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates:
“The procedure being utilised in this competition is the ‘Competitive Procedure with Negotiation’. This procedure has been chosen as the optimum procedure to...”    Show more

Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 6: Project Management
Lot Identification Number: 6
Additional products/services: Supervision of project and documentation 📦
Additional products/services: Construction project management services 📦
Additional products/services: Project-management services other than for construction work 📦
Additional products/services: Project-supervision services other than for construction work 📦
Description of the procurement:
“(a) Responsible for the coordination, overseeing and ensuring the delivery of each element of the overall project in accordance with the requirements of the...”    Show more
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 500 000 💰
Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates:
“The procedure being utilised in this competition is the ‘Competitive Procedure with Negotiation’. This procedure has been chosen as the optimum procedure to...”    Show more

Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 7: Architect Led Integrated Design Team
Lot Identification Number: 7
Additional products/services: Engineering services 📦
Additional products/services: Consultative engineering and construction services 📦
Additional products/services: Transport systems consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Infrastructure works consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Hazard protection and control consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings 📦
Additional products/services: Ancillary building services 📦
Additional products/services: Load-bearing structure design services 📦
Additional products/services: Geotechnical engineering services 📦
Additional products/services: Engineering studies 📦
Additional products/services: Engineering support services 📦
Additional products/services: Geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services 📦
Additional products/services: Geological and geophysical consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Geophysical consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Geological consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Ground investigation services 📦
Additional products/services: Topographical services 📦
Additional products/services: Topographical surveys of archaeological sites 📦
Additional products/services: Site-investigation services 📦
Additional products/services: Construction supervision services 📦
Additional products/services: Construction consultancy services 📦
Description of the procurement:
“Architect led integrated design team including civil and structural engineering services, quantity surveying services, M&E engineering services, PSDP,...”    Show more
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 2 000 000 💰
Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates:
“The procedure being utilised in this competition is the ‘Competitive Procedure with Negotiation’. This procedure has been chosen as the optimum procedure to...”    Show more

Type of procedure
Competitive procedure with negotiation
Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
Framework agreement with several operators
Envisaged maximum number of participants to the framework agreement: 3
Information about reduction of the number of solutions or tenders during negotiation or dialogue
Recourse to staged procedure to gradually reduce the number of solutions to be discussed or tenders to be negotiated
Information about negotiation
The contracting authority reserves the right to award the contract on the basis of the initial tenders without conducting negotiations
Administrative information
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2021-04-19 12:00 📅
Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates: 2021-05-31 📅
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English 🗣️
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender: 12

Complementary information
Information about electronic workflows
Electronic ordering will be used
Electronic invoicing will be accepted
Electronic payment will be used
Additional information
Please refer to project information memorandum for further details.
Review body
Name: High Court
Postal address: Four Courts
Postal town: Dublin
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Phone: +353 18886000 📞
E-mail: 📧
URL: 🌏
Source: OJS 2021/S 055-138130 (2021-03-16)
Additional information (2021-04-03)
Scope of the procurement
Short description:
“Establishment of a number of multi‐party framework agreements for architect led integrated design team services or individual disciplines in 7 lots as...”    Show more

Complementary information
Original notice reference
Notice number in the OJ S: 2021/S 055-138130

Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.2)
Place of text to be modified: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Old value
Date: 2021-04-19 📅
Time: 12:00
New value
Date: 2021-04-26 📅
Time: 12:00
Other additional information

“GMIT Multi Operator Framework Agreement Design Team Services 2021 (Response deadline (Irish time): 26 April 2021 12.00)”
Source: OJS 2021/S 068-174095 (2021-04-03)
Contract award notice (2022-02-14)
Contracting authority
Name and addresses
Postal code: 00000

Scope of the procurement
Short description:
“Establishment of a number of Multi‐Party Framework Agreements for Architect Led Integrated Design Team Services or Individual Disciplines In 7 Lots as...”    Show more
Total value of the procurement (excluding VAT): EUR 7 000 000 💰
Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots
Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 1 Architectural Design Services including Specialist Skills
Main site or place of performance: Galway and Mayo
Description of the procurement:
“Lot 1: Architectural Design Services including Specialist Skills of Fire Engineering Design Services, Landscape Architectural Design Services, Sports Pitch...”    Show more
Award criteria
Quality criterion (name): A Statement of Design Approach & Proposed Methodology
Quality criterion (weighting): 35
Quality criterion (name): Effective Management
Quality criterion (weighting): 15
Quality criterion (name): Risks
Quality criterion (weighting): 5
Quality criterion (name): Resources
Quality criterion (weighting): 20
Quality criterion (name): Programme
Cost criterion (name): Ultimate Cost
Cost criterion (weighting): 20
Additional information:
“Establishment of a number of Multi‐Party Framework Agreements For Architect Led Integrated Design Team Services or Individual Disciplines In 7 Lots As...”    Show more
Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 2 Quantity Surveying Services including Specialist Skills MEQS
Description of the procurement:
“Quantity Surveying Services including Specialist Skills of Mechanical and Electrical Quantity Surveying Services (MEQS). Description of Service: a) Quantity...”    Show more
Award criteria
Quality criterion (name): Risk
Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 3 Civil/Structural Engineering Services
Description of the procurement:
“Description of Service: a) The Civil/Structural Engineer shall provide the professional services in the area of Civil/Structural engineering as necessary to...”    Show more
Additional information:
“Establishment of a number of Multi‐Party Framework Agreements For Architect Led Integrated Design Team Services or Individual Disciplines In 7 Lots as...”    Show more
Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 4 M&E Services Engineering Services
Description of the procurement:
“Description of Service: a) The M&E Engineer shall provide the professional services in the area of Mechanical and Electrical engineering as necessary to...”    Show more
Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 5 Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) Services
Description of the procurement:
“a) The PSDP shall perform all the duties of PSDP under the Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 (S.I. No. 291 of 2013) and any...”    Show more
Award criteria
Quality criterion (name): Methodology
Quality criterion (weighting): 10
Quality criterion (weighting): 25

Information about framework agreement
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement
Administrative information
Previous publication concerning this procedure: 2021/S 055-138130

Award of contract

Contract Number: 1
Title: Lot 1 Architectural Design Services including Specialist Skills
Date of conclusion of the contract: 2022-01-25 📅
Information about tenders
Number of tenders received: 5
Number of tenders received from SMEs: 5
Number of tenders received from tenderers from other EU Member States: 1
Number of tenders received by electronic means: 5
The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators
Name and address of the contractor
Name: Taylor McCarney Architects
National registration number: 268948
Postal address: Breaffy Road, Castlebar, Co Mayo
Postal town: Castlebar
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Phone: +353 949021988 📞
E-mail: 📧
Region: West 🏙️
URL: 🌏
The contractor is an SME
Name: VHA (Architecture, Planning & Conservation Services)
National registration number: 354495
Postal address: Abbey Street, Sligo
Postal town: Sligo
Phone: +353 91483934 📞
E-mail: 📧
Region: Northern and Western 🏙️
URL: 🌏
Name: Hamilton Architects
Postal address: Hamilton House 3 Joy Street
Postal town: Belfast
Postal code: BT2 8LE
Country: United Kingdom 🇬🇧
Phone: +44 02890334250 📞
E-mail: 📧
Region: Belfast 🏙️
URL: 🌏
Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)
Estimated total value of the contract/lot: EUR 2 000 000 💰
Total value of the contract/lot: EUR 2 000 000 💰

Contract Number: 2
Title: Lot 2 Quantity Surveying Services including Specialist Skills MEQS
Date of conclusion of the contract: 2022-01-26 📅
Information about tenders
Number of tenders received: 4
Number of tenders received from SMEs: 4
Number of tenders received by electronic means: 4
Name and address of the contractor
Name: Duke McCaffrey Consulting Limited
National registration number: 573180
Postal address: 24 Baggot Street Lower,
Postal town: Dublin 2
Postal code: D02 EW26
Phone: +353 015677300 📞
E-mail: 📧
Region: Dublin 🏙️
URL: 🌏
Name: Patrick J. Tobin & Co. Ltd. T/A TOBIN Consulting Engineers
National registration number: 42654
Postal address: Fairgreen House, Fairgreen Road
Postal town: Galway
Phone: +353 91565211 📞
E-mail: 📧
URL: 🌏
Name: James Sammon & Company (Ireland) Ltd t/a SAMMON
Postal address: Bogay, Letterkenny. Co Donegal
Postal town: Donegal
Postal code: F92 E1WN
Phone: +44 04871271323 📞
E-mail: 📧
Region: Border 🏙️
URL: 🌏
Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)
Estimated total value of the contract/lot: EUR 500 000 💰
Total value of the contract/lot: EUR 500 000 💰

Contract Number: 3
Title: Lot 3 Civil/Structural Engineering Services
Information about tenders
Number of tenders received: 3
Number of tenders received from SMEs: 3
Number of tenders received from tenderers from other EU Member States: 0
Number of tenders received from tenderers from non-EU Member States: 0
Number of tenders received by electronic means: 3
Name and address of the contractor
Postal address: Fairgreen House, Fairgreen Road, Galway
Name: Malachy Walsh and Partners
National registration number: 133445
Postal address: Park House, Mahon, Bessboro Road, Blackrock, Cork
Postal town: Cork
Postal code: T12X251
Phone: +353 214536400 📞
E-mail: 📧
Region: Southern 🏙️
URL: 🌏
Name: CHH Consulting Engineers
Postal address: Innishfree House, 44/45 High Street Co Sligo
Phone: +353 719161844 📞
E-mail: 📧
URL: 🌏
Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)
Estimated total value of the contract/lot: EUR 500 000 💰
Total value of the contract/lot: EUR 500 000 💰

Contract Number: 4
Title: Lot 4 M&E Services Engineering Services
Information about tenders
Number of tenders received from tenderers from non-EU Member States: 1
Name and address of the contractor
Name: IN2 Engineering Design Partnership
Postal address:
“Unit E&F Mount Pleasant Business Centre Upper Mount Pleasant Avenue Dublin D06 N5P8”
Postal town: Dublin
Postal code: D06 N5P8
Phone: +353 014960900 📞
E-mail: 📧
URL: 🌏
Name: Delap & Waller Limited
National registration number: NI 21174
Postal address: 12 Antrim Technology Park Belfast Road, Antrim
Postal town: Antrim
Postal code: NI 21174
Phone: +353 015355900 📞
E-mail: 📧
URL: 🌏
Name: Bennett Freehill LLP
National registration number: NC001638
Postal address: 380C Belmont Road, Belfast,
Postal code: BT4 2NF
Phone: +44 2890760050 📞
E-mail: 📧
URL: 🌏
Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)
Estimated total value of the contract/lot: EUR 500 000 💰
Total value of the contract/lot: EUR 500 000 💰

Contract Number: 5
Title: Lot 5 Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) Services
Date of conclusion of the contract: 2021-12-07 📅
Information about tenders
Number of tenders received: 1
Number of tenders received from SMEs: 1
Number of tenders received by electronic means: 1
Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)
Estimated total value of the contract/lot: EUR 500 000 💰
Total value of the contract/lot: EUR 500 000 💰

Contract Number: 6
Title: Lot 6 Project Management
Date of conclusion of the contract: 2022-02-08 📅
Name and address of the contractor
Name: MKO McCarthy Keville O'Sullivan Limited
National registration number: 462657
Postal address: Tuam Road, Galway
Phone: +353 91735611 📞
E-mail: 📧
URL: 🌏
Name: Rogerson Reddan & Associates Ltd.
Postal address: 78 Haddington Road, Dublin 4
Postal code: 4
Phone: +353 016609155 📞
E-mail: 📧
URL: 🌏
Name: Cogent Project & Cost Management Limited t/a Cogent Associates
National registration number: 303322
Postal address: Hyde House, 65 Adelaide Road
Postal code: D02 N446
Phone: +353 016344850 📞
E-mail: 📧
URL: 🌏
Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)
Estimated total value of the contract/lot: EUR 1 000 000 💰
Total value of the contract/lot: EUR 1 000 000 💰

Contract Number: 7
Title: Lot 7 Architect Led Integrated Design Team
Information on non-award
No tenders or requests to participate were received or all were rejected

Complementary information
Additional information

“It is anticipated that Lot 7 will be re-advertised under a separate competition.”
Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures: Please refer to your solicitor
Source: OJS 2022/S 035-090240 (2022-02-14)