Description of the procurement
Sligo County Council proposes to construct a new Enterprise & Community Centre and Urban Park together with all ancillary site works at Devins Drive, Cranmore, Abbeyquarter South, Barony of Carbury, Sligo. These works
consist of:
New Enterprise and Community Centre
• 2 Storey Community Centre (1638m²)
• 57 car-parking spaces including 6no. Electric Vehicle charging points, 40 bicycle parking spaces and 3 motorcycle
parking spaces
• Upgrading works to car parking, footpaths and street lighting to McNeill Drive, Langan Drive and Carroll Drive
• Installation of 4no. serviced containers within the site boundary - 2no. for social enterprise, 1no. for energy store and
1no. for ground keeper’s maintenance shed
• Sub surface storm water attenuation tank
• All ancillary site works
Sports and Play Area, Cycle Ways
• Construction of flood lit all weather pitches with associated perimeter fencing
• Construction of play area with associated perimeter fencing
• Pedestrian paths and cycle ways
Devins Drive
• Upgrading works to Devins Drive including traffic calming, road crossings, junction treatments, landscaping,
footpaths, cycle lanes and street lighting
• Construct new off street car parking at No.s 1-6 Devins Drive
• Upgrading off street car parking at No.s 13-19 Devins Drive and No.s 20-24 Devins Drive
• Improvements including hard landscaping to junction between Joe McDonnell Drive and Devins Drive
• Minor realignment of all access junctions off Devins Drive
• Works to adjust levels and create enhanced terracing, paths and landscape existing raised green areas bounded by:
1) - Joe McDonnell Drive, John Fallon Drive and Devins Drive including
2) - Carroll Drive, Devins Drive and Yeats Drive
• New footpath to south side of Joe McDonnell Drive at existing raised green area
• 8 no. new off street car parking spaces to John Fallon Drive and create traffic calming measures to Joe McDonnell
• Landscaping associated with the above works.