Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of Basement Impact Assessment Auditor Services

Dublin City Council

The successful tenderer (Auditor) is required to conduct a review of a basement impact assessment submission for compliance and adequacy and shall confirm whether the BIA has been completed and has addressed all DCC policies as specified and outlined in the Basement Development Policy and Basement Development Guidance documents. The Auditor is then required to prepare an audit report for submission to the DCC Environment and Transport (E&T) Department.
A multi-party framework agreement to audit basement impact assessment (BIA) submissions is to be established by Dublin City Council (DCC).

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2020-03-05. The procurement was published on 2020-02-03.




Procurement history
Date Document
2020-02-03 Contract notice
2020-07-28 Contract award notice
Contract notice (2020-02-03)
Contracting authority
Name and addresses
Name: Dublin City Council
National registration number: N/a
Postal address: Civic Offices, Wood Quay
Postal town: Dublin 8
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Contact person: Joesph Mernagh
Phone: +353 2224897 📞
E-mail: 📧
Region: Dublin 🏙️
URL: 🌏
Address of the buyer profile: 🌏
Documents URL: 🌏
Participation URL: 🌏

Scope of the procurement
“Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of Basement Impact Assessment Auditor Services 02/2020 BIA”
Products/services: Engineering services 📦
Short description:
“The successful tenderer (Auditor) is required to conduct a review of a basement impact assessment submission for compliance and adequacy and shall confirm...”    Show more
Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 600 000 💰

Additional products/services: Construction work 📦
Additional products/services: Site preparation work 📦
Additional products/services: Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work 📦
Additional products/services: Building construction work 📦
Additional products/services: Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses 📦
Additional products/services: Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants 📦
Additional products/services: Historical monument or memorial construction work 📦
Additional products/services: Construction work for commercial buildings, warehouses and industrial buildings, buildings relating to transport 📦
Additional products/services: Construction work for buildings relating to education and research 📦
Additional products/services: Scientific installations 📦
Additional products/services: Construction work for buildings relating to health and social services, for crematoriums and public conveniences 📦
Additional products/services: Construction work for buildings relating to law and order or emergency services and for military buildings 📦
Additional products/services: Engineering works and construction works 📦
Additional products/services: Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork 📦
Additional products/services: Construction works for plants, mining and manufacturing and for buildings relating to the oil and gas industry 📦
Additional products/services: Roof works and other special trade construction works 📦
Additional products/services: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services 📦
Additional products/services: Architectural and related services 📦
Additional products/services: Urban planning and landscape architectural services 📦
Additional products/services: Construction-related services 📦
Additional products/services: Site-investigation services 📦
Additional products/services: Construction-site supervision services 📦
Additional products/services: Construction consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Construction project management services 📦
Additional products/services: Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Monitoring and control services 📦
Additional products/services: Statutory audit services 📦
Additional products/services: Engineering services 📦
Additional products/services: Consultative engineering and construction services 📦
Additional products/services: Civil engineering consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Structural engineering consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Environmental engineering consultancy services 📦
Additional products/services: Environmental impact assessment for construction 📦
Additional products/services: Building services 📦
Additional products/services: Advisory and consultative engineering services 📦
Additional products/services: Expert witness services 📦
Additional products/services: Engineering design services 📦
Additional products/services: Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works 📦
Additional products/services: Engineering-design services for industrial process and production 📦
Additional products/services: Foundation-design services 📦
Additional products/services: Ancillary building services 📦
Additional products/services: Load-bearing structure design services 📦
Additional products/services: Verification of load-bearing structure design services 📦
Additional products/services: Miscellaneous engineering services 📦
Additional products/services: Drilling-mud engineering services 📦
Additional products/services: Geotechnical engineering services 📦
Additional products/services: Mechanical engineering services 📦
Additional products/services: Mechanical and electrical engineering services 📦
Additional products/services: Engineering studies 📦
Additional products/services: Engineering support services 📦
Additional products/services: Corrosion engineering services 📦
Additional products/services: Engineering-related scientific and technical services 📦
Additional products/services: Geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services 📦
Additional products/services: Subsurface surveying services 📦
Additional products/services: Surface surveying services 📦
Additional products/services: Surveying services 📦
Additional products/services: Technical services 📦
Additional products/services: Urban planning services 📦
Additional products/services: Construction supervision services 📦
Additional products/services: Construction management services 📦
Place of performance: Dublin 🏙️
Main site or place of performance: Dublin City Council Administrative area.
Description of the procurement:
“Basements can affect the environment and nearby structures in a number of ways. The impacts of such development on the geological, hydrological and...”    Show more
Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 600 000 💰
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Duration: 48
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
This contract is subject to renewal
Description of renewals:
“This contract is for 24 months with the option to extend for an additional 2 x 12 month periods subject to annual, periodic and other reviews.”
Information about options
Description of options:
“This contract is for 24 months with the option to extend for an additional 2 x 12 month periods subject to annual, periodic and other reviews.”
Additional information:
“Please consult the associated documentation, which contains full instructions regarding the submission of tenders and is available to download from...”    Show more

Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Conditions for participation
List and brief description of conditions:
“For further information please consult the associated documentation available to download from using RFT ID 164485.”
Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Conditions related to the contract
Contract performance conditions:
“For further information please consult the associated documentation available to download from using RFT ID 164485.”

Type of procedure
Open procedure
Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
Framework agreement with several operators
Envisaged maximum number of participants to the framework agreement: 5
Administrative information
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2020-03-05 12:00 📅
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English 🗣️
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: Irish 🗣️
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender: 12
Conditions for opening of tenders: 2020-03-05 12:00 📅
Conditions for opening of tenders (place):
“The date and time set out above for the opening of tenders is subject to change at the discretion of Dublin City Council.”

Complementary information
Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement
Estimated timing for further notices to be published: 2024.
Additional information

“Additional Information – Dublin City Council 1) Dublin City Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2014. If you...”    Show more
Review body
Name: The High Court
Postal address: Chief Registrar, High Court, Inns Quay
Postal town: Dublin
Postal code: Dublin 7
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Phone: +353 18886000 📞
E-mail: 📧
Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures: Please consult your solicitor.
Source: OJS 2020/S 026-059237 (2020-02-03)
Contract award notice (2020-07-28)
Scope of the procurement
Short description:
“The successful tenderer (Auditor) is required to conduct a review of a basement impact assessment submission for compliance and adequacy and shall confirm...”    Show more
Description of the procurement:
“Basements can affect the environment and nearby structures in a number of ways. The impacts of such development on the geological, hydrological and...”    Show more
Award criteria
Quality criterion (name): Quality
Quality criterion (weighting): 80
Cost criterion (name): Cost
Cost criterion (weighting): 20
Information about options
Description of options:
“This contract is for twenty-four (24) months with the option to extend for an additional two twelve (12) month periods subject to annual, periodic and other reviews.”    Show more

Information about framework agreement
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement
Administrative information
Previous publication concerning this procedure: 2020/S 026-059237

Award of contract

Contract Number: 1
“Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of Basement Impact Assessment Auditor Services”
Information on non-award
Other reasons (discontinuation of procedure)

Complementary information
Additional information

“Additional Information – Dublin City Council 1) Dublin City Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2014. If you...”    Show more
Review body
Postal town: Dublin 7
Source: OJS 2020/S 147-361632 (2020-07-28)