For a Single Party Framework Agreement for the Maintenance of Dublin City Council’s Rainfall SCADA System and Associated Instrumentation (e.g. Rain gauges/Level Monitors/Weather Stations
Dublin City Council proposes to establish a single party framework agreement for an initial period of 3 years with the option to extend 4 four further periods of 1 year each, for the maintenance of the Dublin City Council Rainfall SCADA System and any associated ancillary works as per, but not limited to, ‘The Specification of Requirements’. Any extension periods will be solely at the discretion of Dublin Council and will be dependent on the performance of the successful tenderer. Please see tender documents for full Specification of Requirements.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2020-03-31.
The procurement was published on 2020-02-18.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
Object Scope of the procurement
“For a Single Party Framework Agreement for the Maintenance of Dublin City Council’s Rainfall SCADA System and Associated Instrumentation (e.g. Rain...”
For a Single Party Framework Agreement for the Maintenance of Dublin City Council’s Rainfall SCADA System and Associated Instrumentation (e.g. Rain gauges/Level Monitors/Weather Stations
Flood Projects AV
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Products/services: Installation services of measuring equipment📦
Short description:
“Dublin City Council proposes to establish a single party framework agreement for an initial period of 3 years with the option to extend 4 four further...”
Short description
Dublin City Council proposes to establish a single party framework agreement for an initial period of 3 years with the option to extend 4 four further periods of 1 year each, for the maintenance of the Dublin City Council Rainfall SCADA System and any associated ancillary works as per, but not limited to, ‘The Specification of Requirements’. Any extension periods will be solely at the discretion of Dublin Council and will be dependent on the performance of the successful tenderer. Please see tender documents for full Specification of Requirements.
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Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 707 000 💰
Dublin City Council proposes to establish a single party framework agreement for an initial period of 3 years with the option to extend 4 four further periods of 1 year each, for the maintenance of the Dublin City Council Rainfall SCADA System and any associated ancillary works as per, but not limited to, ‘The Specification of Requirements’. Any extension periods will be solely at the discretion of Dublin Council and will be dependent on the performance of the successful tenderer. Please see tender documents for full Specification of Requirements.
Show more Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 707 000 💰
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Duration: 84
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
This contract is subject to renewal ✅ Description
Description of renewals: Subject to the criteria set out in the tender documentation.
Legal, economic, financial and technical information Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Procedure Type of procedure
Open procedure
Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
Framework agreement with a single operator
Administrative information
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2020-03-31
12:00 📅
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English 🗣️
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: Irish 🗣️
Tender must be valid until: 2021-03-31 📅
Conditions for opening of tenders: 2020-03-31
12:00 📅
Conditions for opening of tenders (place): This is at the discretion of Dublin City Council.
Complementary information Additional information
“1) Dublin City Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2014. If you consider that any of the information supplied by...”
1) Dublin City Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2014. If you consider that any of the information supplied by you is either commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for the sensitivity specified. In such cases, the relevant material, will in response to the FOI request; be examined in the light of the exemptions provided for in the Acts;
2) It will be a condition for the award of any contract by Dublin City Council that the successful tenderer and all sub-contractors (if applicable) produce a valid Tax Clearance Certificate from the Revenue Commissioners in compliance with Circular (43) 2006 (or as amended) and that the certificate will be maintained for the duration of the contract and will be on a 12 month basis. In the case of a non-resident Tenderer, a statement of suitability from the Revenue Commissioners will be required;
3) Suppliers must register their interest on the eTenders website ( in order to be included on the mailing list for clarifications;
4) Please note in relation to all documents, that where reference is made to a particular standard, make, source, process, trademark, type or patent, that this is not to be regarded as a de facto requirement. In all such cases it should be understood that such indications are to be treated strictly and solely for reference purposes only, to which the words ‘or equivalent’ will always be appended;
5) Please note also that all information relating to attachments, including clarifications and changes, will be published on the Irish Government Procurement Opportunities Portal ( only. Registration is free of charge. Dublin City Council will not accept responsibility for information relayed (or not relayed) via third parties;
6) The framework agreement is primarily for use by the Environment and Transportation Department, but may also be extended for use by other divisions of Dublin City Council as requirements arise;
7) Emailed/faxed/late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders may be submitted in English or in the Irish language;
8) All queries regarding this tender must be submitted through the eTenders messaging facility, RFT ID 165513 Queries must be in question format. Responses will be circulated to those candidates/tenderers that have registered an interest in this notice on the Irish Government procurement opportunities portal
The details of the party making the query will not be disclosed when circulating the response. All queries must be submitted by 20.3.2020 to enable issue of responses to all interested parties;
9) Please note that where documents are made available in both PDF and Word format, in the event that there is any discrepancy between the documents, the PDF version will take precedence.
Show more Review body
Name: The High Court
Postal address: Chief Registrar, High Court, Inns Quay
Postal town: Dublin 7
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Phone: +353 18886000📞
Source: OJS 2020/S 035-083086 (2020-02-18)
Contract award notice (2020-08-19) Object Scope of the procurement
“For a Single Party Framework Agreement for the Maintenance of Dublin City Council’s Rainfall SCADA System and Associated Instrumentation (E.g. Rain...”
For a Single Party Framework Agreement for the Maintenance of Dublin City Council’s Rainfall SCADA System and Associated Instrumentation (E.g. Rain Gauges/Level Monitors/Weather Stations)
Flood Projects AV
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Short description:
“Dublin City Council proposes to establish a single party framework agreement for an initial period of 3 years with the option to extend 4 (four) further...”
Short description
Dublin City Council proposes to establish a single party framework agreement for an initial period of 3 years with the option to extend 4 (four) further periods of 1 year each, for the maintenance of the Dublin City Council Rainfall SCADA system and any associated ancillary works as per, but not limited to: ‘the Specification of Requirements’. Any extension periods will be solely at the discretion of Dublin Council and will be dependent on the performance of the successful tenderer. Please see tender documents for full ‘Specification Of Requirements’.
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Total value of the procurement (excluding VAT): EUR 983 423 💰
Description of the procurement:
“Dublin City Council proposes to establish a single party framework agreement for an initial period of 3 years with the option to extend 4 (four) further...”
Description of the procurement
Dublin City Council proposes to establish a single party framework agreement for an initial period of 3 years with the option to extend 4 (four) further periods of 1 year each, for the maintenance of the Dublin City Council Rainfall SCADA System and any associated ancillary works as per, but not limited to: ‘the Specification of Requirements’. Any extension periods will be solely at the discretion of Dublin Council and will be dependent on the performance of the successful tenderer. Please see tender documents for full ‘Specification of Requirements’.
Show more Award criteria
Quality criterion (name): Fitness for purpose of the proposed team
Quality criterion (weighting): 40
Quality criterion (name): Contract management
Quality criterion (weighting): 20
Quality criterion (name): System security and GDPR requirements (Appendix 14)
Quality criterion (weighting): 5
Quality criterion (name): Service level agreement (SLA) details (Appendix 15)
Cost criterion (name): Ultimate cost
Cost criterion (weighting): 30
Information about options
Options ✅
Description of options: 3 years + optional 4 x 1-year extension.
Procedure Information about framework agreement
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement
Administrative information
Previous publication concerning this procedure: 2020/S 035-083086
Award of contract
Contract Number: 1
“For a Single Party Framework Agreement for the Maintenance of Dublin City Council’s Rainfall SCADA System and Associated Instrumentation (E.g. Rain...”
For a Single Party Framework Agreement for the Maintenance of Dublin City Council’s Rainfall SCADA System and Associated Instrumentation (E.g. Rain Gauges/Level Monitors/Weather Stations)
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Date of conclusion of the contract: 2020-07-23 📅
Information about tenders
Number of tenders received: 1
Number of tenders received by electronic means: 1
Name and address of the contractor
Name: EMR Integrated Solutions
National registration number: IE4618583I
Postal address: Unit 11, Dunboyne Business Park, Meath
Postal town: Dunboyne
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Phone: +353 18013131📞
Fax: +353 18013166 📠
Region: Dublin🏙️
The contractor is an SME ✅ Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)
Total value of the contract/lot: EUR 983 423 💰
Complementary information Additional information
“1) Dublin City Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2014. If you consider that any of the information supplied by...”
1) Dublin City Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2014. If you consider that any of the information supplied by you is either commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for the sensitivity specified. In such cases, the relevant material, will in response to the FOI request; be examined in the light of the exemptions provided for in the Acts.
2) It will be a condition for the award of any contract by Dublin City Council that the successful tenderer and all subcontractors (if applicable) produce a valid tax clearance certificate from the revenue commissioners in compliance with Circular (43) 2006 (or as amended) and that the certificate will be maintained for the duration of the contract and will be on a 12-month basis. In the case of a non-resident tenderer, a statement of suitability from the revenue commissioners will be required.
3) Suppliers must register their interest on the eTenders website ( in order to be included on the mailing list for clarifications.
4) Please note in relation to all documents, that where reference is made to a particular standard, make, source, process, trademark, type or patent, that this is not to be regarded as a de facto requirement. In all such cases it should be understood that such indications are to be treated strictly and solely for reference purposes only, to which the words ‘or equivalent’ will always be appended.
5) Please note also that all information relating to attachments, including clarifications and changes, will be published on the Irish Government Procurement Opportunities Portal ( only. Registration is free of charge. Dublin City Council will not accept responsibility for information relayed (or not relayed) via third parties.
6) The framework agreement is primarily for use by the Environment and Transportation Department, but may also be extended for use by other divisions of Dublin City Council as requirements arise.
7) Emailed/faxed/late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders may be submitted in English or in the Irish language.
8) All queries regarding this tender must be submitted through the etenders messaging facility, RFT ID 165513 Queries must be in question format. Responses will be circulated to those candidates/tenderers that have registered an interest in this notice on the Irish Government procurement opportunities portal The details of the party making the query will not be disclosed when circulating the response. All queries must be submitted by 20 March 2020 to enable issue of responses to all interested parties.
9) Please note that where documents are made available in both PDF and Word format, in the event that there is any discrepancy between the documents, the PDF version will take precedence.
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Source: OJS 2020/S 163-396815 (2020-08-19)