Description of the procurement
The project includes the realignment of 1,8 km of the N26 at Cloongullane, approximately 3,4 km north-west of Swinford, County Mayo.
The proposed realignment of the N26 at Cloongullane includes the following:
โ 1,8 km of Type 2 Single Carriageway Road (predominantly offline),
โ a new bridge crossing of the River Moy SAC (downstream of the existing N26 bridge),
โ 2 new culverts over tributaries of the River Moy,
โ local road realignments,
โ accommodation works/farm accesses.
The River Moy at the proposed bridge crossing location is approximately 30 m wide and fast flowing. The crossing point is a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) which extends to the river banks and includes some adjacent areas of woodland. Although the proposed works encroach into the SAC, it is proposed to advance the works to ensure the mitigation of the risks associated to the SAC. The bridge crossing structure is proposed to comprise a single span steel composite beam bridge with reinforced concrete abutments. The bridge will span the river clearly to a setback of 10 m from the river edge. The proposed span between centreline of supports is 83 m. The proposed bridge is skewed by 30 degrees in plan.
The works will also include, but are not limited to the following:
โ erection of Offices, site compounds, welfare facilities and the like,
โ site clearance,
โ boundary fencing and walling,
โ installation of vehicle restraint systems,
โ installation of drainage systems, including attenuation ponds, flow control devices, headwalls and outfalls,
โ earthworks, including excavation and disposal of unacceptable material,
โ pavement,
โ kerbs, footways and paved areas,
โ installation of signs and road markings,
โ accommodation works,
โ landscaping works,
โ diversion of services/utilities,
โ environmental mitigation measures,
โ traffic management and other ancillary works.
The works will involve working over the River Moy and working on and adjacent to a live National Road (N26).