TII is seeking to engage external service delivery partners by way of a Framework Agreement to provide the services described below:
Lot 1: Financial Management and Reporting Services
This lot covers the provision of financial management services to TII, relating to its commercial operations – eFlow, Dublin Tunnel, Motorway Service Areas, Luas and PPP operations.
Lot 2: General Financial Services.
This lot covers the provision of general financial and advisory services to TII (including, but not limited to, matters such accounting, tax, regulation, rates, HR and business process reviews/improvements, assurance, outsourcing, knowledge management).
It is anticipated that the Framework Agreements for Lots 1 and 2 will be awarded in Quarter 3 2019, for a period of 36 months, with an option to extend both agreements by a further 12 months. It is estimated that the spend per year will be 1 000 000 EUR for Lot 1 and 1 000 000 EUR for Lot 2.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2019-05-30.
The procurement was published on 2019-04-04.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
Object Scope of the procurement
Title: Financial Management and Advisory Services
Products/services: Financial management consultancy services📦
Short description:
“TII is seeking to engage external service delivery partners by way of a Framework Agreement to provide the services described below:
Lot 1: Financial...”
Short description
TII is seeking to engage external service delivery partners by way of a Framework Agreement to provide the services described below:
Lot 1: Financial Management and Reporting Services
This lot covers the provision of financial management services to TII, relating to its commercial operations – eFlow, Dublin Tunnel, Motorway Service Areas, Luas and PPP operations.
Lot 2: General Financial Services.
This lot covers the provision of general financial and advisory services to TII (including, but not limited to, matters such accounting, tax, regulation, rates, HR and business process reviews/improvements, assurance, outsourcing, knowledge management).
It is anticipated that the Framework Agreements for Lots 1 and 2 will be awarded in Quarter 3 2019, for a period of 36 months, with an option to extend both agreements by a further 12 months. It is estimated that the spend per year will be 1 000 000 EUR for Lot 1 and 1 000 000 EUR for Lot 2.
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Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 8 000 000 💰
Information about lots
Tenders may be submitted for all lots
1️⃣ Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 1: Financial Management and Reporting Services
Lot Identification Number: 1
Additional products/services: Financial consultancy, financial transaction processing and clearing-house services📦
Additional products/services: Financial consultancy services📦
Additional products/services: Financial auditing services📦
Place of performance: Éire/Ireland🏙️
Main site or place of performance: DUBLIN 8.
Description of the procurement:
“The Authority is responsible for the management and monitoring of several commercial operations: “Roads” (predominately tolling) and “Light Rail”. The...”
Description of the procurement
The Authority is responsible for the management and monitoring of several commercial operations: “Roads” (predominately tolling) and “Light Rail”. The Authority is seeking to procure an external financial service provider to:
— perform a monitoring and oversight role with regard to the financial elements (incorporating assurance, internal control, reconciliation and reporting) of the “Roads” related commercial operations. This role is currently performed in-house for “Light Rail” and this is expected to continue,
— provide financial management services relating to all the Authority’s commercial operations (roads and light rail), to be provided on an ad-hoc basis.
Show more Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 4 000 000 💰
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Duration: 36
2️⃣ Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 2: General Financial Services
Lot Identification Number: 2
Description of the procurement:
“The Authority is seeking to procure an external financial service provider to provide general financial services and advice across all of its activities and...”
Description of the procurement
The Authority is seeking to procure an external financial service provider to provide general financial services and advice across all of its activities and includes but is not limited to the areas of finance, taxation, HR, compliance and knowledge management.
Tenderers should note that audit services and pension actuarial advice are not included in this tender competition.
In addition, tenderers should note that the Authority may procure some financial services regarding MetroLink as required through a separate procurement competition. This will be at a later date. There may be elements of general advice/assistance regarding MetroLink required under this Lot 2 Framework Agreement however it is envisaged that any substantial work would be sought under the separate MetroLink financial advisory arrangements.
Show more Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 4 000 000 💰
Legal, economic, financial and technical information Conditions for participation
List and brief description of conditions: Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents.
Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Procedure Type of procedure
Open procedure
Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
Framework agreement with a single operator
Administrative information
Previous publication concerning this procedure: 2019/S 035-078741
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2019-05-30
12:00 📅
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English 🗣️
Tender must be valid until: 2019-11-14 📅
Conditions for opening of tenders: 2019-05-30
12:00 📅
Complementary information Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement ✅
Estimated timing for further notices to be published: 4 years
Additional information
“TII are not liable for tenderers' costs arising in connection with the competition, irrespective of the outcome of the competition, nor if the competition...”
TII are not liable for tenderers' costs arising in connection with the competition, irrespective of the outcome of the competition, nor if the competition is cancelled or postponed.
TII have the right at any time and without notice to:
(i) terminate the competition (or part of it);
(ii) change the competition’s basis or procedures;
(iii) procure the contract by other means,
(iv) negotiate with one or more parties at any time;
(v) reject any, or all, of the applications/tenders;
(vi) not furnish a tenderer with additional information
Or to do any combination of the foregoing or anything else deemed appropriate. In no instance will TII be required to give any reason for any alteration or termination of the process.
— if any past or future contracts or other documents are summarised or described in this document, or in other information given to tenderers, the summary or description must not be taken as comprehensive, or as a substitute for reading the contract or other document itself when it becomes available,
— award of contracts will be subject to the approval of the competent authorities,
— award of Contracts may be subject to successful interview,
— tenderers are advised that TII are subject to the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003 (as amended). If a candidate considers that any information supplied as part of this procurement procedure should not be disclosed because of its commercial sensitivity, confidentiality or otherwise, they must, when providing this information, clearly identify the specific information they do not wish to be disclosed and clearly specify the reasons for its sensitivity. Please note, it is not sufficient to include a statement of confidentiality encompassing all the information provided in the response.
Show more Review body
Name: High Court of Ireland
Postal address: Four Courts
Postal town: Dublin
Postal code: D7
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
E-mail: highcourtcentraloffice@courts.ie📧
URL: www.courts.ie🌏
Source: OJS 2019/S 070-165447 (2019-04-04)
Contract award notice (2019-11-14)
Object Scope of the procurement
Short description:
“This is an award notice. TII is seeking to engage external service delivery partners by way of a framework agreement to provide the services described...”
Short description
This is an award notice. TII is seeking to engage external service delivery partners by way of a framework agreement to provide the services described below:
Lot 1: Financial Management and Reporting Services.
This lot covers the provision of financial management services to TII, relating to its commercial operations – eFlow, Dublin Tunnel, Motorway Service Areas, Luas and PPP operations.
Lot 2: General Financial Services.
This lot covers the provision of general financial and advisory services to TII (including, but not limited to, matters such accounting, tax, regulation, rates, HR and business process reviews/improvements, assurance, outsourcing, knowledge management).
It is anticipated that the framework agreements for Lots 1 & 2 will be awarded in Quarter 3 2019, for a period of 36 months, with an option to extend both agreements by a further 12 months. It is esimated that the spend per year will be 1 000 000 EUR for Lot 1 and 1 000 000 EUR for Lot 2.
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Total value of the procurement (excluding VAT): EUR 5830732.80 💰
Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots ✅ Description
Main site or place of performance: Dublin 8
Description of the procurement:
“The authority is responsible for the management and monitoring of several commercial operations: ‘Roads’ (predominately tolling) and ‘Light Rail’. The...”
Description of the procurement
The authority is responsible for the management and monitoring of several commercial operations: ‘Roads’ (predominately tolling) and ‘Light Rail’. The authority is seeking to procure an external financial service provider to:
— perform a monitoring and oversight role with regard to the financial elements (incorporating assurance, internal control, reconciliation and reporting) of the ‘Roads’ related commercial operations. This role is currently performed in-house for ‘Light Rail’ and this is expected to continue,
— provide financial management services relating to all the authority’s commercial operations (roads and light rail), to be provided on an ad-hoc basis.
Show more Award criteria
Quality criterion (name): Quality
Quality criterion (weighting): 70
Price (weighting): 30
Main site or place of performance: Dublin 8.
Description of the procurement:
“The authority is seeking to procure an external financial service provider to provide general financial services and advice across all of its activities and...”
Description of the procurement
The authority is seeking to procure an external financial service provider to provide general financial services and advice across all of its activities and includes but is not limited to the areas of finance, taxation, HR, compliance and knowledge management.
tenderers should note that audit services and pension actuarial advice are not included in this tender competition.
In addition, tenderers should note that the authority may procure some financial services regarding MetroLink as required through a separate procurement competition. This will be at a later date. There may be elements of general advice/assistance regarding MetroLink required under this Lot 2 framework agreement however it is envisaged that any substantial work would be sought under the separate MetroLink financial advisory arrangements.
Procedure Information about framework agreement
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement
Administrative information
Previous publication concerning this procedure: 2019/S 070-165447
Award of contract
Contract Number: 1
Title: Lot 1: Financial Management and Reporting Services
Date of conclusion of the contract: 2019-10-25 📅
Information about tenders
Number of tenders received: 3
Name and address of the contractor
Name: Ernst and Young, trading as EY
Postal address: Harcourt Centre, Harcourt Street
Postal town: Dublin
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Region: Éire/Ireland🏙️
The contractor is an SME
Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)
Total value of the contract/lot: EUR 3220972.80 💰
Contract Number: 2
Title: Lot 2: General Financial Services
Name and address of the contractor
Name: Ernst & Young, trading as EY
Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)
Total value of the contract/lot: EUR 2 609 760 💰
Complementary information Additional information
“TII are not liable for tenderers' costs arising in connection with the competition, irrespective of the outcome of the competition, nor if the competition...”
TII are not liable for tenderers' costs arising in connection with the competition, irrespective of the outcome of the competition, nor if the competition is cancelled or postponed.
TII have the right at any time and without notice to:
(i) terminate the competition (or part of it);
(ii) change the competition’s basis or procedures;
(iii) procure the contract by other means;
(iv) negotiate with 1 or more parties at any time;
(v) reject any, or all, of the applications/tenders;
(vi) not furnish a tenderer with additional information.
Or to do any combination of the foregoing or anything else deemed appropriate. In no instance will TII be required to give any reason for any alteration or termination of the process.
— if any past or future contracts or other documents are summarised or described in this document, or in other information given to tenderers, the summary or description must not be taken as comprehensive, or as a substitute for reading the contract or other document itself when it becomes available,
— award of contracts will be subject to the approval of the competent authorities,
— award of contracts may be subject to successful interview,
— tenderers are advised that TII are subject to the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003 (as amended). If a candidate considers that any information supplied as part of this procurement procedure should not be disclosed because of its commercial sensitivity, confidentiality or otherwise, they must, when providing this information, clearly identify the specific information they do not wish to be disclosed and clearly specify the reasons for its sensitivity. Please note, it is not sufficient to include a statement of confidentiality encompassing all the information provided in the response.
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Source: OJS 2019/S 222-545136 (2019-11-14)