Description of the procurement
The proposed works include:
โ construction of a new 2-span bridge over N3 with pile foundation immediately adjacent to existing Snugborough road bridge inclusive of footpath and cycle track,
โ construction of a new 2-span pedestrian/cyclist bridge (with potential vehicle loading) with pile foundation to the north of Snugborough road,
โ construction of 2 new pedestrian underpass. One underpass is located to the north of existing pedestrian underpass, and another underpass is located 30 m south of the re-aligned N3 on-ramp,
โ construction of Reinforced Earth Wall,
โ contractor designed elements to include design of precast concrete underpass structures, reinforced earth walls, and bridge beams,
โ modify existing bridge to one-way traffic flow southbound,
โ remove and replace existing bridge parapet with class H2 parapet,
โ 9C main sewer diversion, with peak flows over 1 000 l/s. Works include construction of approximately 150 m of new 1,2 m dia new sewer line, constructing new chambers, modification of existing chambers and constructing chamber on existing sewer line. Over-pumping works will be required,
โ lane widening of the Snugborough Road northeast and southwest approaches to the interchange,
โ lane widening of the L3020, Blanchardstown Main Street (R806) and N3 On-Ramp,
โ realign the N3 eastbound on ramp,
โ upgrade waterville roundabout into a signalised junction,
โ provision of improved cyclist and pedestrian facilities,
โ 500 mm dia AC watermain diversion,
โ utilities diversion including BT, Eir, Irish Water, Smart Telecom, Virgin Media, gas distribution main,
โ drainage works including construction of detention basin, and underground water attenuation tank,
โ provision of public lighting, signage, CCTV road lining and landscaping associated with the above works.