Scope includes for the design, construction, testing, commissioning, maintenance, and ultimately handover of upgrades to security systems and enhancements at a number of two existing Gas Transmission Stations and two existing compressor stations in Scotland. The upgrade works will include the installation of extensive (>1 km) lengths of high specification security fencing and gates, incorporating PIDs, electric toppers and associated security lighting, CCTV and video analytics. Ancillary upgrade works will include civil, electrical (including earthing) and control system upgrades, together with building hardening and access control upgrades. The Applicant will be required to ensure, and to demonstrate, that all sensitive information and assets remain protected at all times. The Applicant will be required to maintain the installed security systems for a 20 year period following completion and commissioning. For further information please refer to PQQ document.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2019-01-09.
The procurement was published on 2018-11-29.
Object Scope of the procurement
Title: SWSOS Site Upgrades
Products/services: Engineering work for security installations๐ฆ
Short description:
โScope includes for the design, construction, testing, commissioning, maintenance, and ultimately handover of upgrades to security systems and enhancements...โ
Short description
Scope includes for the design, construction, testing, commissioning, maintenance, and ultimately handover of upgrades to security systems and enhancements at a number of two existing Gas Transmission Stations and two existing compressor stations in Scotland. The upgrade works will include the installation of extensive (>1 km) lengths of high specification security fencing and gates, incorporating PIDs, electric toppers and associated security lighting, CCTV and video analytics. Ancillary upgrade works will include civil, electrical (including earthing) and control system upgrades, together with building hardening and access control upgrades. The Applicant will be required to ensure, and to demonstrate, that all sensitive information and assets remain protected at all times. The Applicant will be required to maintain the installed security systems for a 20 year period following completion and commissioning. For further information please refer to PQQ document.
The Scope includes for the design, construction, testing, commissioning, maintenance, and ultimately handover of upgrades to security systems and enhancements at two existing Gas Transmission Stations and two existing compressor stations in Scotland.
The upgrade works will include the installation of extensive (>1 km) lengths of high specification security fencing and gates, incorporating PIDs, electric toppers and associated security lighting, CCTV and video analytics.
Ancillary upgrade works will include civil, electrical (including earthing) and control system upgrades, together with building hardening and access control upgrades.
The Applicant will be required to ensure, and to demonstrate, that all sensitive information and assets remain protected at all times.
The Applicant will be required to maintain the installed security systems for a 20 year period following completion and commissioning. The maintenance responsibilities will include the provision of a maintenance response team, capable of being deployed on a 24/7 basis, 365 days per year. It will be a requirement that the maintenance response team will be able to respond to incidents in Dumfries, DG1 1EW, Scotland, within 3 hours.
The successful Applicant will be required to perform the roles of Principal Designer and Principal Contractor under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.
The procurement will follow the negotiated procedure:
โ following publication of the contract notice, a pre-qualification questionnaire will be published and will be made available to Applicants,
โ following the evaluation of the PQQ, shortlisted Applicants will be provided with an Invitation to Tender (ITT). Tender responses will then be evaluated by the contracting entity.
Show more Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Duration: 240
Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Envisaged number of candidates: 5
Additional information:
โYou must submit through the etenders system before the deadline. The submission deadline is strict and no submissions will be possible after the date and...โ
Additional information
You must submit through the etenders system before the deadline. The submission deadline is strict and no submissions will be possible after the date and time specified in the PQQ documents. Please note that all tenders are electronic, as such no paper copies
Will be accepted or read. Please submit via the etenders system not later than 12:00 local time Wednesday 9.1.2019.
Legal, economic, financial and technical information Conditions for participation
List and brief description of conditions:
โPlease refer to tender documents available to download from only.โ Economic and financial standing
List and brief description of selection criteria:
โPlease refer to tender documents available to download from only.โ Technical and professional ability
List and brief description of selection criteria:
โPlease refer to tender documents available to download from only.โ
Procedure Type of procedure
Negotiated procedure with prior call for competition
Administrative information
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2019-01-09
12:00 ๐
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English ๐ฃ๏ธ
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: Irish ๐ฃ๏ธ
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender: 6
Complementary information Information about electronic workflows
Electronic ordering will be used
Electronic invoicing will be accepted
Electronic payment will be used
Review body
Name: The High Court
Postal address: The Four Courts
Postal town: Dublin
Postal code: 7
Country: Ireland ๐ฎ๐ช
Phone: +353 18886000๐
E-mail: highcourtcentraloffice@courts.ie๐ง
URL: http://www.courts.ie๐ Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
โPrecise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
Please refer to Statutory Instrument 131 of 2010, European Communities (Award of Contracts by...โ
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
Please refer to Statutory Instrument 131 of 2010, European Communities (Award of Contracts by Utility Undertaking) (Review Procedures) Regulations 2010 (and in particular Regulation 7 and 10(2)).
Show more
Source: OJS 2018/S 233-533310 (2018-11-29)
Additional information (2018-12-18) Contracting authority Name and addresses
Postal address: P.O.Box 900, Webworks, Eglinton Street
Object Scope of the procurement
Short description:
โScope includes for the design, construction, testing, commissioning, maintenance, and ultimately handover of upgrades to security systems and enhancements...โ
Short description
Scope includes for the design, construction, testing, commissioning, maintenance, and ultimately handover of upgrades to security systems and enhancements at a number of two existing Gas Transmission Stations and two existing compressor stations in Scotland.The upgrade works will include the installation of extensive (>1km) lengths of high specification security fencing and gates, incorporating PIDs, electric toppers and associated security lighting, CCTV and video analytics.Ancillary upgrade works will include civil, electrical (including earthing) and control system upgrades, together with building hardening and access control upgrades.The Applicant will be required to ensure, and to demonstrate, that all sensitive information and assets remain protected at all times.The Applicant will be required to maintain the installed security systems for a 20 year period following completion and commissioning. For further information please refer to PQQ document.
Complementary information Original notice reference
Notice number in the OJ S: 2018/S 233-533310
Changes Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.2)
Place of text to be modified: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Old value
Date: 2019-01-09 ๐
Time: 12:00
New value
Date: 2019-01-23 ๐
Time: 12:00
Source: OJS 2018/S 247-571112 (2018-12-18)
Additional information (2019-01-16) Object Scope of the procurement
Short description:
โScope includes the design, construction, testing, commissioning, maintenance and ultimately handover of upgrades to security systems and enhancements at a...โ
Short description
Scope includes the design, construction, testing, commissioning, maintenance and ultimately handover of upgrades to security systems and enhancements at a number of 2 existing Gas Transmission Stations and 2 existing compressor stations in Scotland. The upgrade works will include the installation of extensive (>1 km) lengths of high specification security fencing and gates, incorporating PIDs, electric toppers and associated security lighting, CCTV and video analytics. Ancillary upgrade works will include civil, electrical (including earthing) and control system upgrades, together with building hardening and access control upgrades. The Applicant will be required to ensure and to demonstrate that all sensitive information and assets remain protected at all times. The applicant will be required to maintain the installed security systems for a 20 year period following completion and commissioning. For further information please refer to PQQ document.
Changes Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.2)
Place of text to be modified: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Old value
Date: 2019-01-23 ๐
Time: 12:00
New value
Date: 2019-01-30 ๐
Time: 12:00
Source: OJS 2019/S 014-029743 (2019-01-16)