Pre Qualification Questionnaire for Nurseries Services @ Killygordon, Mucklagh and Clon
Coillte invites Expression of Interest for provision of Supply of seasonal services for labour, equipment and material resources at Killygordon / Mucklagh / Clone Nurseries which are bare root forest tree nurseries with a combined area of c. 95ha (Clone is a poly-tunnel nursery). Trees are produced on a 2-3 year growing cycle. On an annual basis approximately 12-16 000 000 seedlings are transplanted, 8-12 000 000 trees lifted, graded and dispatched. In addition c. 3 000 000 trees are pre-treated for protection against pine weevil in Killygordon. In Clone nursery 3-4 000 000 cuttings of Sitka spruce are vegetatively propagated. This proposed contract is to supply the appropriate labour and equipment resources to carry out a variety of tasks in these Nurseries.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2018-05-14.
The procurement was published on 2018-04-13.
Procurement history
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Contract notice