ETenders RFT ID: 135107
1) The services covered by the Framework Agreement are legal services within the meaning of Annex XIV of Directive 2014/24/EU. The Contracting Authority is subject only to the rules in Part 3 Chapter 1 of the European Union (Award of Public Authority Contracts) Regulations 2016 (SI 284/2016) in relation to this competition. The Contracting Authority is following a procedure analogous to the negotiated procedure in relation to this competition;
2) The estimated total value of purchases pursuant to the Framework Agreement is in the region of 2 500 000 EUR to 5 000 000 EUR (ex. VAT) over the lifetime of the agreement.
It is emphasised, however, that this figure is provided strictly for indicative purposes only as there is no guaranteed expenditure under the framework agreement;
3) Interested parties must register their interest on the eTenders web site ( in order to be included on the mailing list for clarifications. All information relating to attachments, including clarifications and changes, will be published on the Irish Government Procurement Opportunities Portal ( only. Registration is free of charge. The Contracting Authority will not accept responsibility for information relayed (or not relayed) via third parties;
4) The numbers invited to tender will be the top five (5) qualifying candidates subject to that number qualifying;
5) This is the sole call for competition for this service;
6) The Contracting Authority will not be responsible for any costs, charges or expenses incurred by Applicants or tenderers;
7) Contract award will be subject to the approval of the competent authorities;
8) The framework will be for two (2) years with the option to extend by further periods of two (2) years subject to a maximum of six (6) years, subject to annual review, satisfactory performance, business needs and budgetary constraints.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Contracting Authority confirms that the period of any contracts awarded under the Framework Agreement may extend beyond the date of expiry of the agreement;
9) It will be a condition of award that candidates are tax compliant;
10) If for any reason, it is not possible to establish the Framework Agreement or award the initial contract to the designated successful tenderer emerging from this competitive process; the Contracting Authority reserves the right to establish the framework with the next highest scoring tenderer on the basis of the terms advertised at any time during the tender validity period. This shall be without prejudice to the right of the Contracting Authority to cancel this competitive process and/or initiate a new contract award procedure at its sole discretion.
11) At its absolute discretion, the Contracting Authority may elect to terminate this procurement process, the Framework Agreement or any contract awarded under the Framework Agreement at any time;
12) Please note in relation to all documents, that where reference is made to a particular standard, make, source, process, trademark, type or patent, that this is not to be regarded as a de facto requirement. In all such cases it should be understood that such indications are to be treated strictly and solely for reference purposes only, to which the words ‘or equivalent’ will always be appended;
13) Without prejudice to the principle of equal treatment, the Contracting Authority is not obliged to engage in a clarification process in respect of questionnaires with missing or incomplete information. Therefore, candidates are advised to ensure that they return fully completed questionnaires in order to avoid the risk of elimination from the competition.