Ballymahon Infrastructure Projects

Longford County Council

Longford County Council requires the services of an Engineering consultant to deliver the following schemes.
1) R392 Road Realignment Scheme at Forgney, Ballymahon, Co Longford,
2) Ballymulvey Road Cycle Way,
3) Traffic calming on Local Road L-1121 and L-1119 from N55 at Toome Crossroads to the entrance to Center Parcs.
All 3 schemes are required to be commenced on the commencement of the project and run concurrently. Schemes 2 and 3 are required to be completed in 2018. Scheme 1 is a multi annual scheme, dependant on departmental funding and approvals, and the programme timeframes are outlined in the tender documents.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2018-07-05. The procurement was published on 2018-06-01.




Procurement history
Date Document
2018-06-01 Contract notice