The Contracting entity is tendering to establish a multi-supplier framework for the provision of site investigative works. The scope comprises of 2 elements intrusive and non-intrusive works:
Intrusive site investigation works such as geotechnical investigation works consisting of cable percussion boreholes, rotary core holes, dynamic probing, window sampling, trial pits, slit trenches, on-site sampling and testing works, laboratory works, factual and interpretative reporting.
Non-intrusive site investigation works such as geological investigation works consisting of 2d resistivity, seismic refraction, multichannel analysis of survey waves (MASW), electromagnetic survey, factual and interpretative reporting.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2018-06-26.
The procurement was published on 2018-05-15.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
Object Scope of the procurement
โA Multi Supplier Framework for the Provision of Site Investigation Works for Ervia
Products/services: Ground investigation work๐ฆ
Short description:
โThe contracting entity is tendering to establish a multi-supplier framework for the provision of site investigative works. The scope comprises of 2 elements...โ
Short description
The contracting entity is tendering to establish a multi-supplier framework for the provision of site investigative works. The scope comprises of 2 elements intrusive and non-intrusive works:
Intrusive site investigation works such as geotechnical investigation works consisting of cable percussion boreholes, rotary core holes, dynamic probing, window sampling, trial pits, slit trenches, on-site sampling and testing works, laboratory works, factual and interpretative reporting.
Non-intrusive site investigation works such as geological investigation works consisting of 2d resistivity, seismic refraction, multichannel analysis of survey waves (MASW), electromagnetic survey, factual and interpretative reporting.
Complementary information Original notice reference
Notice number in the OJ S: 2018/S 093-211880
Changes Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.2)
Place of text to be modified: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Old value
Date: 2018-06-26 ๐
Time: 12:00
New value
Date: 2018-06-29 ๐
Time: 12:00
Source: OJS 2018/S 120-274502 (2018-06-21)
Additional information (2018-06-26) Contracting authority Name and addresses
Postal address: P.O.Box 900, Webworks, Eglinton Street
Object Scope of the procurement
Short description:
โThe contracting entity is tendering to establish a multi-supplier framework for the provision of site investigative works. The scope comprises of 2 elements...โ
Short description
The contracting entity is tendering to establish a multi-supplier framework for the provision of site investigative works. The scope comprises of 2 elements intrusive and non-intrusive works:
intrusive site investigation works such as geotechnical investigation works consisting of cable percussion boreholes, rotary core holes, dynamic probing, window sampling, trial pits, slit trenches, on-site sampling and testing works, laboratory works, factual and interpretative reporting.
Non-intrusive site investigation works such as geological investigation works consisting of 2d resistivity, seismic refraction, multichannel analysis of survey waves (MASW), electromagnetic survey, factual and interpretative reporting.
Changes Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.2)
Place of text to be modified: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Old value
Date: 2018-06-26 ๐
Time: 12:00
New value
Date: 2018-06-29 ๐
Time: 12:00
Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.7)
Place of text to be modified: Conditions for opening of tenders
Old value
Date: 2018-06-26 ๐
Time: 12:00
New value
Date: 2018-06-29 ๐
Time: 12:00
Source: OJS 2018/S 123-280527 (2018-06-26)
Contract award notice (2019-02-25) Contracting authority Information about joint procurement
The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body
Object Scope of the procurement
Short description:
โThe contracting entity is tendering to establish a multi-supplier framework for the provision of site investigative works. The scope comprises of 2 elements...โ
Short description
The contracting entity is tendering to establish a multi-supplier framework for the provision of site investigative works. The scope comprises of 2 elements intrusive and non-intrusive works:
โ intrusive site investigation works such as:
โโ geotechnical investigation works consisting of cable percussion boreholes,
โโ rotary core holes,
โโ dynamic probing,
โโ window sampling,
โโ trial pits,
โโ slit trenches,
โโ on-site sampling and testing works,
โโ laboratory works,
โโ factual and interpretative reporting.
โ non-intrusive site investigation works such as:
โโ geological investigation works consisting of 2d resistivity,
โโ seismic refraction,
โโ Multichannel Analysis of Survey Waves (MASW),
โโ electromagnetic survey, factual and interpretative reporting.
Additional products/services: Ground investigation services๐ฆ
Additional products/services: Site-investigation services๐ฆ
Place of performance: รire/Ireland๐๏ธ
Main site or place of performance: Ireland
Description of the procurement:
โThe contracting entity is tendering to establish a multi-supplier framework for the provision of site investigative works. The scope comprises of 2 elements...โ
Description of the procurement
The contracting entity is tendering to establish a multi-supplier framework for the provision of site investigative works. The scope comprises of 2 elements intrusive and non-intrusive works:
โ intrusive site investigation works such as:
โโ geotechnical investigation works consisting of cable percussion boreholes,
โโ rotary core holes,
โโ dynamic probing,
โโ window sampling,
โโ trial pits,
โโ slit trenches,
โโ on-site sampling and testing works,
โโ laboratory works,
โโ factual and interpretative reporting.
โ non-intrusive site investigation works such as:
โโ geological investigation works consisting of 2d resistivity,
โโ seismic refraction,
โโ Multichannel Analysis of Survey Waves (MASW),
โโ electromagnetic survey,
โโ factual and interpretative reporting.
Show more Information about options
Options โ
Description of options:
โ1 year + 1 year extension option โ to be advised in year 3 if extension option to be exercised.โ Description
Additional information:
โYou must submit through the etenders system before the deadline. The submission deadline is strict and no submissions will be possible after the date & time...โ
Additional information
You must submit through the etenders system before the deadline. The submission deadline is strict and no submissions will be possible after the date & time specified in the ITT documents.Please note that all tenders are electronic, as such NO paper copies will be accepted or read. Please submit via the etenders system not later than 12:00 local time Tuesday 26.6.2018.
Procedure Type of procedure
Open procedure
Information about framework agreement
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement
Administrative information
Previous publication concerning this procedure: 2018/S 093-211880
Award of contract
Contract Number: 1
โA Multi Supplier Framework for the Provision of Site Investigation Works for Erviaโ
Date of conclusion of the contract: 2018-12-07 ๐
Information about tenders
Number of tenders received: 10
Name and address of the contractor
Name: Causeway Geotechnical Ltd
National registration number: IE9822532V
Postal town: Co. Dublin
Country: Ireland ๐ฎ๐ช
Region: รire/Ireland๐๏ธ
The contractor is an SME โ
Contract Number: 2
Name and address of the contractor
Name: IGSL Ltd
National registration number: IE9795751O
Postal town: Kildare
Contract Number: 3
Name and address of the contractor
Name: Irish Drilling Ltd
National registration number: IE6399801R
Postal town: Galway
Contract Number: 4
Name and address of the contractor
Name: Priority Geotechnical Ltd
National registration number: IE9569228K
Postal town: Cork
Contract Number: 5
Name and address of the contractor
Name: Whiteford Geoservices Ltd
National registration number: IE9973998R
Postal town: Antrim
Complementary information Review body
Name: The High Court
Postal address: High Court Central Office, Four Courts, Inns Quay,
Postal town: Dublin
Country: Ireland ๐ฎ๐ช
Phone: +35 318886000๐
E-mail: highcourtcentraloffice@courts.ie๐ง
URL: http://www.courts.ie๐ Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
โPlease refer to Statutory Instrument 131 of 2010, European Communities (Award of Contracts by Utility Undertaking) (Review Procedures) Regulations 2010 (and...โ
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures
Please refer to Statutory Instrument 131 of 2010, European Communities (Award of Contracts by Utility Undertaking) (Review Procedures) Regulations 2010 (and in particular Regulation 7 and 10(2)).
Show more
Source: OJS 2019/S 043-099112 (2019-02-25)