Sport Physiotherapy Consultant
Sport Physiotherapy Consultant:
1. Deliver Sports Physiotherapy services for the Athletics Ireland high performance.
2. Deliver Sports Physiotherapy services for athletes from other sports.
3. Lead integrated service teams in specified sports as agreed from time to time.
4. Deliver sports physiotherapy clinics at the IIS Abbotstown which may require flexibility around the working day to allow for some early morning, evening and weekend clinics.
5. Deliver onsite sports physiotherapy support to nominated sports at training camps and competitions.
6. Collaborate with other consultants to deliver expert multi-disciplinary support services.
7. Deliver other support services that fall within the competency of the consultant as required by the Institute and agreed with the consultant.
8. Inform and educate athletes in injury rehabilitation, management and injury prevention strategies.
9. Contribute to knowledge sharing and development across the Institute.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2017-04-10.
The procurement was published on 2017-03-09.
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