Multi Supplier Framework for the Provision of Groundwater, Drilling, Pump Testing and Remediation Works Associated with Water Supply Boreholes

Irish Water

The Contracting Entity is tendering to establish a Multi-Supplier Framework for the provision of appropriately qualified and experienced individual groundwater drilling contractors to provide expert groundwater drilling services, to the standard specified under EPA Advice Note No 14. (Borehole Construction and Wellhead Protection). The service provider will supply boreholes up to 300 mm diameter, well installation, pump testing, camera surveys, and well rehabilitation works associated with water supply boreholes, as required. Future contracts will be for a broad range of diameters and depths as trial wells or production wells.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2017-09-28. The procurement was published on 2017-08-21.




Procurement history
Date Document
2017-08-21 Contract notice