Short description
LCCC / Limerick LCDC invites tenders for provision in services in support of the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme 2018 โ 2022 (SICAP). Limerick LCDC is the Contracting Authority for this Tender and will oversee the implementation of SICAP, supported by the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government (DHPCLG) and Pobal. SICAP has two programme goals โ Goal 1 (community development) and Goal 2 (individual supports).
The contract is being awarded in 3 Lots as follows
Lot 1 Limerick West Rural (21-1)
Lot 2 Limerick Urban (21-2)
Lot 3 Limerick East Rural (21-3)
This programme is being run on a national basis by each individual Local Authority / LCDC. A total of 51 individual contracts are being awarded across the 31 local authority areas / 33 LCDCs. Tenderers can submit tenders for all lots, and indeed lots as being awarded across all LCDCs. Please note however the maximum number of lots any one economic operator can win is 5.