Enteral Feeding Systems-Request for Written Submission

Health Service Executive (HSE)

In preparation for the publication of a new tender for Enteral Feeding Systems, the HSE invites interested parties to make a written submission, including if appropriate, soft copy product brochures/specifications and/or relevant research in relation to provision of Enteral Feeding Systems that are inter-operable with the principle enteral feed container designs currently available in Ireland i.e. screw type and spike type containers.
Please refer to the attached document for further information
The closing date for written submissions is 17:00, Wednesday 3rd 2017. Submissions should be emailed to craig.deegan@hse.ie.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2017-05-03. The procurement was published on 2017-04-20.




Procurement history
Date Document
2017-04-20 Contract notice