Capital Dredging Works at Dublin Port — 2017 to 2018 Season
The required dredging will be undertaken as part of the proposed works to permit access to Alexandra Basin West and provide sufficient water depths for vessels in Alexandra Basin West at all stages of the tide. The contract to be awarded will cover the first seasons dredging and will take place in the outer approach channel. This equates to approximately 1 061 818 m³ of dredging. It is envisaged that the dredging of uncontaminated material will be carried out during winter months only, within a 6 month period (October 2017 to March 2018) to negate any potential impact on salmonid migration and summer bird feeding, notably terns, in the vicinity of the dredging operations. A Dumping at Sea (DaS) Permit has being granted from the EPA, which will enable Dublin Port Company (DPC) to carry out the disposal of dredged material at the licensed disposal site, Burford Bank.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2017-07-10.
The procurement was published on 2017-06-23.
Procurement history
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Contract notice
Contract award notice