Access Control and Security Systems

University College Dublin (UCD)

The objective of this request for proposals is to form a multi-party framework for UCD of suitably qualified tenderers to design and supply open protocol fully-integrated access control and security systems as outlined in the Technical Specification. It is UCD's intention to procure an open protocol access control solution that can co-exist with the existing systems on campus and allow for integration of future access control and security systems. The initial contract will include a pilot project for proof of concept and/or provision of services.
The works are divided into 2 Lots:
— Lot 1 Access Control;
— Lot 2 CCTV.
For full details please see the contract notice and attached documents as advertised via

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2017-08-23. The procurement was published on 2017-07-19.



Procurement history
Date Document
2017-07-19 Contract notice