Strategic review of the NQSF for Youth Work

Department of Children and Youth Affairs

Service to provide a review for the strategic development of the National Quality
Standards Framework (NQSF) for Youth Work.
The successful Tenderer will be required to provide services to the Department of
Children and Youth Affairs in relation to carrying out a review for the strategic
development of the NQSF.
The work of the successful Tenderer will commence in May 2016 and be
completed by July 2016. DCYA is seeking key recommendations for consideration
in relation to determining the impact of the NQSF, its future applicability in the
current policy context and how it may be developed into the future.
The awarding authority has indicated that it reserves the right to readvertise the
tender if it is not satisfied with the responses received.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2016-04-08. The procurement was published on 2016-02-23.



  • • United Kingdom

Procurement history
Date Document
2016-02-23 Contract notice
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