Short description
The new shared Learning and Development (L&D) model has been developed by a high level working group and approved by the Civil Service Management Board. It sets out a new blended approach to learning and development for the Civil Service underpinned by a digital platform supporting administration, delivery and procurement.
The model will centralise all core learning and development responsibilities for the Framework Clients. The Framework Contract is divided into ten (10) Lots. Each Lot contains a number of Learning Interventions. The Framework will comprise of the following Lots:
Lot 1 Customer Service and Communications;
Lot 2 Interpersonal and Communications Skills;
Lot 3 Team Work and People Management;
Lot 4 Analysis and Decision Making;
Lot 5 Management and Delivery of Results;
Lot 6 Leadership;
Lot 7 Innovation and Change;
Lot 8 ICT;
Lot 9 Irish Language;
Lot 10 New Entrant Programme.