River Owenacurra and River Dungourney (Midleton) Flood Relief Scheme

Cork County Council

Cork County Council, acting as agents for the OPW now plans to commission a project to develop a flood relief scheme (a โ€˜Schemeโ€™) including structural works and a Fluvial Flood Forecasting System, if feasible. To develop the flood relief scheme, Cork County Council will commission a Contract, hereafter referred to as the โ€˜Projectโ€™, that shall comprise 5 stages, as set out below: โ€” Stage I: Development of a number of flood defence options and the identification of a preferred Scheme, and the design of a Fluvial Flood Forecasting System, if it is feasible; โ€” Stage II: Outline Design and Public Exhibition or Planning including an Appropriate Assessment (AA), Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Final Flood Risk Management Plan; โ€” Stage III: Detailed Design, Confirmation and Tender; โ€” Stage IV: Construction; โ€” Stage V: Handover of Works. The contract focuses on Fluvial, Groundwater, Pluvial and Coastal Flood Risk through the Midleton Study Area.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2016-09-30. The procurement was published on 2016-07-08.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:


Procurement history
Date Document
2016-07-08 Contract notice
2017-01-10 Contract award notice