Quality Measurment System for Single Piece Mail

An Post

An Post, established in 1984, operates the National Postal Service. Every working
day An Post staff collect, process and deliver more than 2.5 million items of mail
to 2 200 000 business and residential addresses. The quality of service is
monitored by and independent operator and reported to An Post.
An Post wish to set up a single party framework agreement for the design,
implementation and operation of an End to End Quality Measurement System for
single piece mail in accordance with the European and Irish CEN Standard EN
13850:2012 (or equivalent standard).
An Post will provide the real mail flow information upon which the statistical
designs are to be based. The system must provide an in-depth quality
measurement (together with) as well as diagnostic information as to any
operational causes of failure.
Suppliers who wish to be considered for inclusion in the tender process must
express their interest and complete the accompanying Pre-Qualification

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2016-03-18. The procurement was published on 2016-02-19.




Procurement history
Date Document
2016-02-19 Contract notice