Provision of Facilities Management Services for Oberstown Campus

Oberstown Children Detention Campus

The Office of Public Works (OPW) wishes to procure, on behalf of Oberstown Children Detention Campus (Oberstown), Total Facilities Management Services from a Facilities Management Service Provider at Oberstown Children Detention Campus, Oberstown, Lusk, Co. Dublin. The Oberstown Children Detention Campus (Oberstown) will be the Contracting Authority. Oberstown provides secure accommodation for children detained by the courts, which includes individual residential units, educational and recreational facilities, ancillary administration, staff, catering, laundry, visiting, admissions, medical, maintenance and waste handling facilities. Total approximately 14 000 m internal floor area, external grounds and landscaping and all weather playing surfaces. It is a key requirement for the Facilities Management Company to have a proven track record in providing Total Facilities Management Services in a large multi- function campus environment.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2016-08-22. The procurement was published on 2016-07-09.



Procurement history
Date Document
2016-07-09 Contract notice