Provision of catering and hospitality services to EirGrid and SONI Ltd

EirGrid plc

EirGrid is seeking to tender for the supply of catering services for its Head Office in Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 and for hospitality and catering services to be provided at SONI Ltd, Castlereagh House,12 Manse Road, Belfast, BT6 9RT.
The contract will cover the provision of catering services for staff, visitors and guests of EirGrid and SONI at these premises and will comprise the following:
(a) Staff catering facility- EirGrid;
(b) Hospitality Catering Services to support meetings and other events held in the building โ€” EirGrid and SONI;
(c) On-floor Pantry Services, to include provision, servicing and maintenance of break out areas and vending machines. โ€” EirGrid and SONI There may be some investment required in delivering the proposed solution which might be partially or fully funded by the Contractor and/or EirGrid.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2016-02-19. The procurement was published on 2016-01-13.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2016-01-13 Contract notice
2017-02-14 Contract award notice