Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Capital Dredging Works at Dublin Port
The scope of the multi party framework agreement is for Capital Dredging Works at Dublin Port including but not limited to dredging at Alexandra Basin, maintenance dredging and other relevant works and associated design as required. The Multi Party Framework Agreement will be awarded on foot of an initial contract for Year 1 of the Capital Dredging Works Programme at Alexandra Basin. In addition to the initial contract, the framework agreement may, or may not, be used for the following contracts: Yearly dredge requirements as part of the Alexandra Basin Dredging Works and dredging at Dublin Port (including maintenance dredging). Candidates should note that this list is non-exhaustive.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2016-10-05.
The procurement was published on 2016-09-05.
Procurement history
Date |
Document |
Contract notice
Contract award notice