Multi Operator Framework Agreement for an Architectural Led Design Team to provide Project Management and Design Consultancy Services

Galway Mayo Institute of Technology

โ€œThe Contracting Authority (Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology) is tendering for a Multi Operator Framework Agreement for an Architectural Led Design Team to provide Project Management and Design Consultancy Services for the full design team services and supervise an extension to the existing Innovation Hub at the GMIT Galway Campus. This extension will be funded by a grant from Enterprise Ireland, and by GMIT. The project will be procured on the basis of a multi design team framework agreement. Candidates are permitted to apply for one or all of the lots listed. The initial contract will be the iHub Extension GMIT Galway Campus.
โ€” Lot 1: Architectural Services (incl. design team lead)
โ€” Lot 2: Civil & Structural Engineering Services,
โ€” Lot 3: Quantity Surveying Services,
โ€” Lot 4: Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Services and
โ€” Lot 5: Project Supervisor for the Design Stage.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2016-11-29. The procurement was published on 2016-10-25.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:


Procurement history
Date Document
2016-10-25 Contract notice
2017-08-24 Contract award notice