M7 Naas Newbridge Bypass Upgrade + M7 Osberstown Interchange and R407 Sallins Bypass

Kildare County Council

The proposed scheme involves the widening of the M7 motorway from a 2 lane into a 3 lane carriageway, in each direction, from the 3 lane N7 East of Junction 9 Maudlins to the M7 and M9 merge at Junction 11 in Co. Kildare. The Osberstown interchange will require a new road bridge crossing the M07 motorway, replacing an existing accommodation bridge. This will require the demolition of the existing bridge as well as the construction of the new bridge over live motorway traffic. The proposed scheme also involves the Sallins Bypass (3,7km approximately) starting from the Osberstown Interchange terminating at a new roundabout on the R407, Clane Road, North of Sallins. The Bypass includes a link road from Sallins town centre. These works involve 2 crossings of the River Liffey, 1 of the Grand Canal and a Railway under-bridge and minor mammal and drainage structures. The Railway Bridge is to be progressed outside the scope of these services.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2016-07-15. The procurement was published on 2016-06-08.




Procurement history
Date Document
2016-06-08 Contract notice