Short description
LLVRSS Leixlip Transfer Pipeline and Wastewater Network Upgrade Project involves the design and build of the following (but not limited work) works:
โ approximately 3,3 km of 560 mm HDPE PE100 SDR 17 rising main (ranging in depths up to 2,1 m deep),
โ approximately 1,1 km of 750 mm concrete sewers (ranging in depths up to 6 m deep),
โ approximately 7,9 km length of twin 630 mm OD PN16 HDPE SDR 11 rising mains (ranging in depths up to 5 m deep),
โ 4 trenchless crossings:
โ river rye: 750 mm 70 m bore.,
โ M3: 1 500 mm 70 m bore,
โ Maynooth Railway and Royal Canal: 1 500 mm 100 m bore,
โ Dunboyne Railway: 1 500 mm 50 m bore,
โ new pumping station and associated mechanical and electrical equipment within the existing Leixlip WwTP site:
โ submersible pumping station,
โ approximately 20 m by 30 m by 7 m deep,
โ 550 l/s maximum forward pumping capacity at 60 m head,
โ including associated telemetry/SCADA.