ISSE Tender 2017-2019
The HEA, on behalf of the project co-sponsors, is now seeking tenders to conduct Irish Survey of Student Engagements for a three-year period starting in 2017. A collaborative management and governance structure is in place with institutional representatives participating in a number of project working groups. It is expected that the successful tenderer will interact primarily with individual institutions for receipt of demographic data, delivery of survey access to target cohorts, and provision of survey results after national fieldwork has concluded; and with the central project manager for other matters, including the national datasets. After the first year of the new contract, this structure may be reviewed. Any revised structure that may be put in place will not be more onerous for the contractor.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2016-11-29.
The procurement was published on 2016-10-06.
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Procurement history
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