Bord na Mรณna Managed Print Services

Bord Na Mona

Bord na Mรณna is seeking print/scan services from suitably qualified companies.
These print/scan services will include:
i) Print/scan consolidation (approximately 230 devices over 41 sites);
ii) A fully leased printer/scanner estate (230 printers);
iii) Pull printing on Tier 1 sites (currently 112 printers over 6 sites);
iv) Granular billing system and service model to enable business charge-back on Tier 1 sites (approx. 500 users);
v) Retention / like for like replacement of existing standard printers on some sites;
vi) Support and training of end users to adopt pull print and assist in basic printer maintenance (e.g. cartridge replacement and paper jam clearance);
vii) Integration of print/fax facilities at some sites.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2016-08-01. The procurement was published on 2016-06-29.




Procurement history
Date Document
2016-06-29 Contract notice